How to Get a Second Chance With Your Ex Boyfriend After A Painful Breakup

It's never easy when you are in a relationship that ends. Even if you felt, at the time, that it was what you wanted, hindsight is a powerful thing. Sometimes it takes a break up for us to realize how much our boyfriend actually means to us. If you still love him and you want to get a second chance with your ex boyfriend there are a few things you absolutely must do.

Before you do anything else you have to first accept the break up. You can't turn back time and stop the break up from happening, so you need to acknowledge that that phase of your relationship is over. You can rebuild it but you must accept that the break up occurred. Doing this will help you for several reasons. If you can acknowledge it you'll be much less likely to be overly emotional. This is helpful because when a woman constantly cries about the end of a relationship the man she was with will view her as desperate. Desperation is not attractive to anyone. Also, once you recognize the break up, you can then work out how exactly you are going to get a second chance with your ex.

Rejection is a powerful emotion. It's primarily what drives us to want our ex boyfriends back after a split. We don't want to feel as though he doesn't love us anymore so we do everything in our power to get him back. That's why it's important for you to appear to move on if you want to get a second chance with your ex boyfriend. If he sees that you are fine with the break up and that you've moved forward with your life, he'll start to feel those pangs of rejection.

The best way to appear as though you've moved on is to go out with friends. You want to ensure that you aren't giving him the impression that you are already dating someone else. Using jealousy as a tool to try to get a second chance with your ex may actually backfire. He will assume you are completely over him and will then try and do the same by dating other women. Instead, hang out with friends, plan activities that will keep you busy and always stay in control of your emotions.

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Charles Mark

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