FORT MYERS, Fla. -- As a result of the SAFE Act of 2008, every loan originator in Florida needs to pass 2 exams: the comprehensive 125 question national exam with UST and the 65 question Florida state specific exam.
If you’ve taken pre-licensing courses from anyone other than Larson Ed then you haven’t been adequately prepared for test questions about Florida’s unique laws. 20-hour SAFE comprehensive courses don’t cover it, online courses don’t cover it, only Larson Educational Services teaches it.
In order to learn the information necessary to pass the state exam, you need access to hundreds of sample questions, immediate feedback, and explanations covering the content you’ll see on test day. That’s exactly what you’ll get with Larson Ed’s MLO exam tutor available here: ( for $69.
In addition to the state exam prep tutor, we also have a tutor for the national exam available here:, also for $69.
Then, when it’s time to take the exams, remember these 5 tips for getting a passing score.
1. Take your time.
You have three and a half hours to answer the questions, which means there is no need to rush. Just take a deep breath and trust your preparation.
2. Read all the darn questions…2 times.
It’s too easy to skip over key words in the question. Our brain has this nasty habit of filling in the the blanks of sentences when we haven’t even seen every word. For example, did you notice the repeated word “the” in the last sentence? Give yourself a chance of getting the questions right by reading them each 2 times.
3. Read all the darn answers…2 times.
Before choosing an answer – even if you are 100% positive it’s right – read through all the choices. It may be that you have prematurely selected a response that is correct, but there could be another answer that is more correct. If you fail to read through all the answers there’s a chance you may mark the wrong one.
4. Longer is better.
If you come to a question that has you completely stumped, usually the longest choice is the most likely to be correct. This is not a hard rule of thumb, but rather an indicator to go off of when you don’t have any idea what the answer could be.
5. Treat each multiple choice question as 4 true-false questions.
Each multiple choice question will have 4 answers, each of which you should regard as a true-false question. This will help you ensure that you aren’t missing any details when responding to each question.
With these tips and the Larson Exam Tutors, you are sure to pass your state and national exams.
Larson Educational Services