People, especially mothers, go to the grocery store for food supplies on a regular basis. The common problem amongst those that do the marketing is either they tend to hoard or they tend to forget a lot of things they need.
To make your trip to the grocery store more efficient, create a grocery list beforehand. Here is how you should do it:
Identify how often you should do your grocery shopping. Some people are comfortable doing their grocery shopping on a weekly basis, while some prefer to plan ahead and buy every month. Choose whatever best fits your lifestyle and needs. How often you do your grocery shopping will define how you will make your grocery list.
Plan your meals. On a sheet of paper, write 4 columns and label them “Breakfast”, “Lunch”, Dinner”, and “Snacks”. Then, make a row according to the days or dates that your grocery shopping should cover. If you will be buying on a weekly basis, write the days of the week. Fill out the table by writing the meal that you plan to serve for each.
List the ingredients. After you have planned all the meals, it is time to list the ingredients you need for each meal. Write this on a separate sheet of paper as you go through the table.
Check your supplies. Apart from food items, you may need to also check if you are running out of supplies. See if you need to restock your dishwashing soap, paper towels, and other items that you can buy at the grocery store as well.
Group the items on your list. To avoid going around the grocery store for several times, start to group the items on your list. For instance, group those items that you will buy in the frozen section, fruits and vegetables section, and others. This will help you grab what you need easily per grocery aisle.
Put a price on each item. Now, it is time to place a price tag on each item in your list. You more or less have an idea already of how much each item costs. If not, make an estimate and write it beside the item. Compute for the expected total amount using a calculator and write it at the bottom of the list.
Bring only the needed amount. To refrain from hoarding and buying unnecessary stuff not on your list, bring only the needed amount when you go shopping. Bring a buffer but make sure it is a small amount only, say $10.
Do not go to the grocery store when you are hungry. People tend to buy a lot of food items when they are hungry. All food items seem more appealing and they may buy more than they can actually consume.
Making a list not only saves you another unplanned trip to the grocery store, it also saves you time and money, so review the list before leaving home. Also, as much as possible, try to stick to your list to avoid buying unnecessary items that will only rot in your refrigerator.