The first few weeks of “new hires” are crucial to both employees and managers. The employers need to ascertain that they understand their job description, their functions and what’s expected of them. In the same manner, the “new hire” will further assess what the company offers and if he can render what is required of him. This starting phase allows both parties to evaluate each other and determine if it’s a harmonious fit for both.
Employees are hired for their experience and skills matching the open position, however there will always be room for improvement. To test new employees, managers must consider the following:
Lay out the roadmap. In the employees’ initial week, make sure that you have properly set expectations for them. By setting goals and objectives, they will have a clear idea of what the organization expects from them.
Pay attention to, and address, any improper behavior. We all know that company culture is tricky to learn. Immediately speak to them if you spot any wrong behavior and help them get acquainted with the collective company behavior.
Take advantage of the employee’s strengths. Foster this strength by assigning the employee where he fits best. Managers should take advantage of the employees’ discovered skills and injecting them into organization opportunities. Keep an open communication with the employee and guide them to a career path if the potential is spotted.
Assess their written and verbal communication skills. Both are valuable assets and any organization would benefit from personnel who are apt in both areas.
Help them become more comfortable with the company. As managers, you should get to know the new employees as you introduce them to the organization. The common goal is to get to know one another and establish a stable relationship as employer and employee.
When you sense some weak points or any shortcomings from the employee, make a note of it. You can discuss them with the employee and start planning for performance development and training sessions. Make them understand that these learning and development opportunities will add up to his skills and career “investments.”
Have a seasoned co-worker show them the ropes. Be in cahoots with the veteran employee and ask him to assess the new hire’s attentiveness and adaptability. Sometimes, you can judge a person’s intellect by the questions he raises during orientation phase.
Managers can also test for organizational skills as a strength. This is crucial for any business organization. Assess the employee’s effectiveness as a project planner by asking him to develop one.
Based on a better understanding of your fresh employees’ merits and weaknesses, you can determine which roles they can best work with.
Employees who have bad first day experiences, more like being thrown in to sink or swim, are less likely to show their strengths. They will feel that the job doesn’t equate to how it was initially introduced during the hiring process. However, if new employees are properly oriented, it will make them happier in the workplace, they will be more committed, and more likely to stay with the company for a good number of years.