A lot of us get frustrated with our jobs, our bosses, our colleagues, or our workplaces. But how do we know when we just need to take a deep breath or a vacation and when we need a real change? Quitting your job is a serious decision that requires a lot of thought. There are several factors that you should think about and discuss with your family before quitting your job.
Check out your job prospects. It is much easier on you and your family if you have lined up a couple of job prospects before you quit your job. This will reduce your stress as well as your debt! This rules out quitting your job on a whim, since you'll have to think carefully and plan to use all of your contacts and networking skills to look for other positions.
Determine if your job is affecting your health. If the stress from your job is affecting your physical or psychological health, it is a sure sign that it is time to leave. No amount of money or status is worth ruining your health, since you won't be able to enjoy any of the things you have worked so hard for. In that case, it may be better to leave.
Think about whether or not you can continue to grow in your position. Being bored at work is an easy way to become dissatisfied. It's important to be in a job that enables you to grow both personally and professionally. If you can't grow, you should think about quitting your job.
Contemplate your safety. If you don't feel safe in your workplace - physically or psychologically - it's not a good place for you. If you need to take action against somebody who is making your workplace unsafe, do so, but don't stay if you don't feel safe.
Ask your family. Your family has information that no one else has. They see how you act when you come home from work, and are painfully aware of how it affects them! Taking into account how your job affects your family should help you be able to think more clearly about whether or not you need to quit your job.
Analyze your financial situation. Can you live for a little while without an income while you look for jobs? Do you get paid what you deserve? These are factors to take into consideration when you think about quitting your job.
Consider your other offers. Unless you become independently wealthy, you'll probably need to get another job. Are the other offers as good as what you have? If they aren't, you might want to think again about quitting.
It is hardly ever an easy decision to quit your job, but there are some clear indicators. Talking to trusted friends and family can help, as can looking around to see what else is out there. Many people stay in positions that make them miserable for a long time because it is hard to change, but there are other options. Good luck!