Raising children can be challenging, especially when it comes to making sure they behave properly. Good behavior is best imparted by good examples and by setting up rewards for good deeds. One way to do this is by setting up a rewards system for your children. This way, they will work hard for something they want. If you are having any difficulty disciplining your kids, then setting up a rewards system might be the best way to achieve discipline and encouragement.
•Decide on the kind of reward system you can manage for your children. Be open with the many kinds of reward systems that you can use with your children. As long as you understand the essence of positive reinforcement, there is a good chance of improving the behavior of your children. Consider using tokens, reward jars, and charts for the incentives that they can gain.
•Work with a specific behavior at a time. Discuss your expectation with your children, so that they understand what you intend to achieve with your reward system. Concentrate on a specific behavior that must be worked on, so that you can test the outcome.
•Determine the rewards that you will give your children. Parents usually go for giving toys as reward to their children as positive reinforcement. However, try to be creative in coming up with rewards you can give your children. Think of something that they will really love, whether these be tangible items or other rewards. For example, if there is any particular item that they want to have, consider these. You can also use enjoyable activities as rewards. For example, reward them with a trip to an amusement park, or a vacation.
•Use age-appropriate rewards. You might have kids of different ages, and so the rewards will vary according to their age level. Preschoolers might enjoy toys and the like. Bigger kids might want bigger rewards, like a mobile phone, computer, or other device. For bigger kids, rewards might also mean privileges for something—such as extended bedtimes, longer TV watching hours, and the like.
•Implement the reward system. Make sure your children how the reward system will work. Once they meet your expectation, that will be the time you are going to give the reward. For instance, if you are focusing on improving the sleeping habits of your children, be honest with them that you are checking out their sleeping habits. This way, they also know what to expect.
•Reward them as they deserve. Let them understand that the reward can only be given once they meet the expectation. But make sure you make good on your promises. This will reinforce the idea that you are serious with ensuring their good behavior. Otherwise, if you don’t give rewards as promised, the whole premise fails, and they will no longer believe your sincerity.
Try to experiment with different kinds of rewards. However, don’t use a reward system as your sole means of disciplining your children. The best kind of discipline is one that comes from within, and not something done because one is expecting a reward.