While most teens are full time students, there are some that take part-time work as a way to garner more work experiences or to gain an additional source of income. Whatever is the case, having your teen get a part time or even a summer job is a great way to teach them about responsibility and the value of money and hard work.
The only problem is that there are not many job opportunities open for part-time students, especially for teens. That said if your teen badly needs some work, you will have to help him draft and create a resume that will hopefully stand out against the multitude of resumes that the employer providing the job opportunity will be receiving.
Resumes usually follow a standard format or template, which includes information such as educational attainments and work experiences. However, since the latter is virtually non-existent right now, you will definitely have to be a little more creative when constructing the resume. Here are some tips.
Start with the regular format. Find a standard resume template online. There are a number of them available for free download. If you are using Microsoft Word, then you can always visit the official MS Office website to download some of the available templates for resume making.
Now, there is no need to change the layout or the format. Yes, you can probably make it look the way you want it to look but that is not really important.
List every detail about the teen. Before plotting every teeny bit of information about your teen on the resume template, you will want to make a list or outline to serve as a guide in writing the resume. Begin with the basic information about your teen, the name, address, and contact details (contact numbers and email address). Continue on to work experience. Now, this may be non-existent or it may contain menial periodical work experience such as babysitting, mowing the lawn, and other jobs that they did during the summer. All these can be significant additions to a resume as it will make your teen look productive and hardworking in the eyes of the employer.
Aside from the above, you will want sections for the education level of your teen and another portion dedicated to the desirable traits and skills your teen possesses. Noting these items on his resume is not only mandatory but it will significantly help his chances of landing the job.
Transfer onto the template. Once you have the data organized, you can now start creating the resume. Normally, a standard resume template will begin with the name and contact information of the person. Plastering a current 2 x 2 photo at the top of the page is suggested. From there, move a few spaces down and have your teen write his career objective. This statement should be simple and specific. In most cases, it should touch on the issue of acquiring more work experience to help in building his future career, something to that extent. After that, proceed with work history, education details, list of skills and traits, and other pertinent personal information such as organization accreditation and membership, awards, and achievements.
Below that, include a list of character references, namely teachers, friends, and other respectable people that know him personally.