Axiety is a disorder that is triggerd by stress. Sometime we can't ovecome stress situations. Important in stress situations os how you are acting when you face stress situation. On of the most important ways how to handle this is, speak about that what is bordering you, speak to your self and try to get your emotions under controle.
There are different anxiety disorders, a few of them are:depression:
ocd, this is obssesive Compulsive Disorder, symptoms of depression:
, this are sydness, you can't sleep or sleep to much and a few moore
Trichotillomania, this is a disorder were you are pulling you hear and that is very painful. A few other disorders are; cognitive behavioral therapy ,
anxiety symptoms are psychological symtoms ,anxiety disorders,some times when you are stressed you will lose you hear , and there are a few medical hair loss treatment that you can use.
On this website ( you can readh more about how to overcome Anxity and there is also a video that you can watch a teaching on how to handle in panic or stress situations.
This information is very helpfull for those who are in need for help with depression, panica attacs and shyness