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Leman Capital Management Reports Solid Performance for H1 2016 By:Kimberly Odell 2016-07-11
Algorithmic currency trading firm Leman Capital Management delivered a robust first-half performance, reporting a 34.6% return for the first six months of 2016. This marked a continuation of a strong trend that reflected the successful...
Building the best online store By:Neil Mason 2016-07-11
Perth, Western Australia, July 09, 2016 /PressReleasePing/ - Building the Best Online Store When you are building an online store for your business, you want to make sure that it is the best one for your company. Any&nbs...
Maintaining a Timber Floor By:Neil Mason 2016-07-11
Bibra Lake, Western Australia, July 09, 2016 /PressReleasePing/ - Cleaning Your Timber Floor Timber floors are an appealing feature for any home. They are the perfect opportunity to add personality to your home and as such pe...
An Excellent Institute for Pursuing Apache Hadoop Training in Hyderabad By:Jindar 2016-07-09
Hyderabad, India - The news that Hadoop Training in Hyderabad is offering Apache Hadoop Training of multiple concepts and modules like HDFS, Map–Reduce, HBASE, HIVE, SQOOP, PIG, FLUME, OOZIE, and ZOOKEEPER, etc. may be good ...
Advanced Shopify Apps Are Now Available at Shopify.Mageworx By:David 2016-07-09
The number of ecommerce shops developed with Shopify keeps increasing each year. This is because the majority of people from all over the world have already realized and faced the benefits of online shopping apps and thi...
Plumber In DC Announces After Hours Availability By:Jhone 2016-07-09
Plumber in DC has accredited master plumbers capable of locating wherever a plumbing problem originates and knowing the way to effectively fix it. They can also install, repair, or upgrade plumbing systems. This DC plumbing c...
Enforce LLC Opens New Solution Delivery Center By:Michael McKay 2016-07-08
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. And DALLAS, Texas, July 08, 2016 /PressReleasePing/ - Enforce, LLC, a North American Implementation Partner to Ceridian, is announcing the opening of a world-class solution delivery center in Dallas, Texas. Enforce&nbs...
Veteran Launches Love Movie in Hollywood By:Liz Thomas 2016-07-08
Savannah, GA, July 06, 2016 /PressReleasePing/ - “This is something that God put on my heart a while ago, “ said Krista Mack, actress, writer, and public affairs officer in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. “I felt ...