Grab the latest from Sylvian St-Pierre! By:Catrina Taylor 2024-02-10
Former truck driver turned professional author, S. St-Pierre crafts incredible tales of survival in the SciFi and Fantasy realms. With multiple series out, it's always a fun adventure to dive into a new universe, such as ...
Chef Michael Bennett has Now Written His Most Important Book By:Media Manager 2024-02-06
Chef Michael Bennett has Now Written His Most Important Book “Chef Michael Bennett has always cooked Healthy recipes, Healthy cooking is his gig”. Miami, FL, USA, January 6, 2024 -- Chef Michael Bennett was once a follower&nbs...
T.H. Harbinger's Narratives as Essential Guides for Tomorrow By:james lenz 2024-01-30
In the ever-changing landscape of education, an emerging genre is gaining significance not only for its ability to unravel the past but also for its potential to prepare individuals for an AI-dominated future. Historical fiction,&...
Sophie A. Sommer Unveils "Der Pfad zum Inneren Glücksort" By:Mohamed Awais 2023-10-07
Sophie A. Sommer, renowned for her deep expertise in psychological counseling and personal development coaching, is set to introduce her latest creation to German audiences: "Der Pfad zum Inneren Glücksort." Slated for a pre...
Self-Publishing Coach Offers Book Outline For Fast Writing By:Ruth L. Snyder 2023-07-11
Interested in becoming a self-published author or in building your own business? Want to make a business out of your writing? RLS Creativity has the expertise to help you be among the 3% of aspiring authors who actu...
Looking For a Way to Explain Chiropractic Care to Your Child By:Maria Luchsinger 2023-06-12
Maria Luchsinger, author and teacher, in Washington State is the author of the first children’s book about Chiropractic care. In 2013, Sammy the Centipede Goes to the Chiropractor was judged Outstanding at the Writer’s Digest&...
Evander Good's Unconventional Gospel Guitar Tablatures Book By:George Freas II 2023-05-25
Supernal Publishing Services International today reflected on its release of Gospel Guitar Tablatures Book By Evander Good six months ago, which was in development for months. The main aim was to always provide the most versa...