South Florida Radio-Thon to Benefit Hurricane Victims in Caribbean By:People For A Better Community, Inc 2017-10-08
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Oct 08, 2017 -– People For A Better Community, Inc.(PFABC) a Fort Lauderdale based non-profit organization has launched an initiative to benefit hurricane victims in the Caribbean (Barbuda, Dominica and the U...
A Brand New Day at Project FIND By:David Kalal 2017-04-22
New York, NY, April 22, 2017 -- Project FIND is pleased to announce the launch of its new logo and web site redesign, the rebrand is the first for the organization since the year 2000. In consultation with Alembic&n...
New Customer Experience Website In Development For Silk Leis By Teddy Shake By:Bailey Anderson Teddy Shake Leis 2017-04-07
Recently Teddy Shake launched an exciting new product line, their [high-quality silk Hawaiian leis]( Since the launch of the product, sales have exceeded projections, and the company has r...
New Aggressive Sales Goals Set By Teddy Shake For Pink Flamingo Float By:Bailey Anderson Teddy Shake Flamingo Floats 2017-03-23
As Teddy Shake finishes the sixth month of sales for their [popular pink flamingo]( float, they announced today that new, more aggressive sales goals have been set for the second quar...
Teddy Shake Considers Making Pink Flamingo Float Exclusive Product For Company By:Bailey Anderson Teddy Shake Flamingo Floats 2017-02-25
With summer quickly approaching, Teddy Shake announced today that the company is in discussions to make the [80-inch pink flamingo float]( the exclusive product of the company. "Over the p...
Top-Selling Teddy Shake Gel Pen Set Announces Make A Heart Day By:Bailey Anderson Teddy Shake Gel Pens 2017-02-08
The news today is filled with stories of fear, anger, and hate. With Valentine's Day just one week away, Teddy Shake announced today that they would celebrate Make A Heart Day. Teddy Shake spokesperson Bailey Anderson ex...
Discount On Best-Selling Teddy Shake Gel Pen Set Ending Soon By:Bailey Anderson Teddy Shake Gel Pens 2017-02-02
The Teddy Shake [colorful gel pen]( set was launched just three months ago. Since that time, the gel pens have become a customer favorite and best-seller on Around the holiday...