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QSC Communities for Developers Goes Live By:Kristine Fowler 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 11:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time COSTA MESA, Calif. -QSC is excited to launch a new online worldwide developer platform, “QSC Communities for Developers.” It enables an engaged and scalable technical community of pr...
Heise Medien si affida al sistema editoriale Xpublisher By:Lucia Adler-Baumann 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 11:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time MONACO -Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG, uno dei principali editori tedeschi del settore tecnologico, è riuscito a stabilire una gestione trasparente e ben organizzata dei contenuti e&nb...
i2c Appoints John Bresnahan to Lead Government Payment Services By:Heather Clifton 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 11:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -i2c, a leading provider of digital payment and banking technology, today named John Bresnahan as its general manager of government payment services, part of the&nbs...
IMPLANET annonce la réalisation de l’acquisition d’OSD By:Nicolas Merigeau 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 11:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time BORDEAUX, France & BOSTON -Regulatory News: IMPLANET (Paris:ALIMP) (Euronext Growth : ALIMP, FR0013470168, éligible PEA-PME), société de technologies médicales spécialisée dans les implants vertébraux...
IMPLANET Announces the Implementation of the OSD Acquisition By:Ludovic Lastennet 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 11:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time BORDEAUX, France & BOSTON -Regulatory News: IMPLANET (Paris:ALIMP) (Euronext Growth: ALIMP, FR0013470168, eligible for PEA-PME equity savings plans), a medical technology company specializing in vertebr...
Wie Dahua Technology hilft, Waldbrände zu verhindern By:Vivid Gu 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 12:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time HANGZHOU, China -Bäume benötigen Jahrzehnte, um zu wachsen, während Brände sie in nur wenigen Minuten zerstören können. Waldbrände sind die Art von Naturkatastrophe, die mit einer plö...
Sole Source-Backed Peak-Ryzex Acquires Bar Code Direct By:Bill Mendel 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 12:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time SANTA MONICA, Calif. -Sole Source Capital LLC, an industrial-focused private equity firm today announced that its portfolio company, Peak-Ryzex, a value-added reseller of barcoding and data c...
Heise Medien mise sur le système éditorial Xpublisher By:Lucia Adler-Baumann 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 12:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time MUNICH -Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG, l’un des plus importants éditeurs dans le secteur des technologies en Allemagne, est parvenu à mettre en place une gestion transparente e...
SARP, filiale de Veolia, finalise l’acquisition d’OSIS By:Laurent Obadia 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 12:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time PARIS -Regulatory News: Veolia (Paris:VIE) annonce ce jour la finalisation de l’acquisition, via sa filiale SARP, de Suez RV OSIS, filiale du groupe Suez, après autorisation de l’Autorit...
Veolia’s Subsidiary SARP Finalizes the Acquisition of OSIS By:Laurent Obadia 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 12:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time PARIS -Regulatory News: Today, Veolia (Paris:VIE) has announced that following the authorization granted by Autorité de la concurrence (The French Competition Authority), its subsidiary SARP has ...
Como a Dahua Technology ajuda a evitar incêndios florestais By:Vivid Gu 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 01:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time HANGZHOU, China -Vão décadas para as árvores crescerem, mas apenas alguns minutos para que os incêndios as destruam. Os incêndios florestais são o tipo de desastre natural que ...
Hoe Dahua-technologie bosbranden helpt voorkomen By:Vivid Gu 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 01:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time HANGZHOU, China -Het duurt tientallen jaren voordat bomen groeien, maar het duurt slechts enkele minuten voordat branden ze vernietigen. Bosbranden zijn het type natuurramp dat plotseling ver...
Dahua Technology ayuda a prevenir incendios forestales By:Vivid Gu 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 01:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time HANGZHOU, China -Los árboles tardan décadas en crecer, pero un incendio puede destruirlos en cuestión de minutos. Los incendios forestales son el tipo de desastre natural que golpea&n...
SoftServe obtient la compétence AWS Machine Learning By:Paul Jones 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 02:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time AUSTIN, Texas -SoftServe, autorité numérique leader, société de conseil, et partenaire consultant de niveau Premier (Premier Consulting Partner) d’Amazon Web Services (AWS), a obtenu la comp...
CAP Launches Update to Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) Guideline By:Kerry Lydon 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time NORTHFIELD, Ill. -As clinical applications for whole slide imaging and digital pathology rapidly advance, the College of American Pathologists (CAP), in collaboration with the American Society&nbs...
Dahua Technology contribue à prévenir les feux de forêt By:Vivid Gu 2021-05-19
May 18, 2021 03:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time HANGZHOU, Chine -Il faut plusieurs décennies à un arbre pour grandir, mais quelques minutes à peine pour le détruire. Les feux de forêt sont le type de catastrophe naturelle&nb...