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J.P. Morgan is de nummer 1 Europese webtransactie-overnemer By:Rebecca Hooper 2021-05-21
May 20, 2021 01:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time LONDEN -J.P. Morgan heeft voor het zesde jaar op rij de eerste plaats veroverd in de Europese ranglijst van koopvaardijverwerkers van het Nilson Report in Europa door middel van&nbs...
Snap Inc. Introduces the Next Generation of Spectacles By:Snap Inc 2021-05-21
May 20, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time SANTA MONICA, Calif. -Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP) today unveiled the next generation of Spectacles, Snap’s first pair of display glasses designed for creators to overlay their Lenses directly&nbs...
Immuta annonce un financement de 90 millions USD en série D By:Joe Madden 2021-05-21
May 20, 2021 02:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time BOSTON -Immuta, fournisseur leader du contrôle d'accès aux données dans le cloud, annonce aujourd'hui la levée d'un financement de série D à hauteur de 90 millions de USD. Ave...
Strategy Analytics: 5G Growing Rapidly Despite Component Shortages By:Stephen Entwistle 2021-05-21
May 20, 2021 02:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time BOSTON -According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, radio component revenue reached an all-time high in 2020 and strong growth will continue. The market for radio components&nbs...
J.P. Morgan Ranks #1 European Web Transaction Acquirer By:Rebecca Hooper 2021-05-20
May 20, 2021 03:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time LONDON -J.P. Morgan has secured the top spot in the Nilson Report’s European ranking of merchant acquirers in Europe by web-based transactions for the sixth year running. According to&...
PSG Makes Majority Growth Investment in billwerk By:PSG 2021-05-20
May 20, 2021 03:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time FRANKFURT, Germany -PSG, a leading growth equity firm that focuses on partnering with middle-market software and technology-enabled services companies, today announced the acquisition of a majorit...