Are Churches Essential Services? By:Church State Council 2020-04-10
WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif. - April 9, 2020 - The nation is in lockdown, sheltering in place, yet a small number of pastors appear defiant, insisting on their First Amendment rights to conduct religious services in person. ...
Nashville Religion Communicators Council to Hold Virtual Meeting By:Julie Brinker 2020-04-03
April 03, 2020 - The Religion Communicators Council (RCC) is an interfaith association of religion communicators at work in print and electronic communication, marketing and public relations. The Nashville Chapter meets monthly at rota...
Newly Designed Store Website Is Up and Running By:Carolyn Walker 2020-04-02
April 02, 2020 - SUITLAND, Maryland - We recently redesigned our store website. The store still carries hard to find black gospel sheet music, songbooks as well as church supplies, books, bibles, etc. The store takes ord...
Highpoint Church COVID-19 Community Care Response By:Highpoint Church 2020-04-02
PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. - April 1, 2020 - Highpoint Church is reaching out to the community during this COVID-19 pandemic. We have a team of Helping Hands Heroes who have volunteered to assist people in our community&n...
Voice of the Faithful New Jersey to Present Book Discussion By:Voice of the Faithful New Jersey 2020-03-08
MORRISTOWN, N.J. - March 7, 2020 - The Time is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage by Sister Joan Chittister, OSB, will be the topic of the book discussion led by Peg and Bob Pipchick and presented by Voice&n...
Houston Trailblazer, Jade Simmons, Hosts Restoration Rally By:Jade Media Global 2020-02-22
HOUSTON - Feb. 21, 2020 - Houston trailblazer, Jade Simmons, host the city's inaugural Restoration Rally, a faith-based gathering of like-minded Americans who still believe in the possibility of becoming One Nation, Under God, and...
Grief Institute Announces New Church-Based Grief Support Program By:International Grief Institute 2020-02-06
SEATTLE - Feb. 5, 2020 - International Grief Institute, an educational consulting firm that provides professional training and resources to the bereavement industry, has announced the release of iCare™ Grief Support Group program, a&...