Christmas in September for the Clearwater Community Volunteers By:Michael Soltero 2019-09-26
September 26, 2019 - The annual holiday village that attracts thousands to downtown Clearwater in December placed their order this week for a very fundamental fundamental for the event. “A big part of Winter Wonderland are...
CEO of Fathers Incorporated Wins Atlanta Business Chronicle Award By:Fathers Incorporated 2019-09-23
DUNWOODY, Ga. - Sept. 22, 2019 -The Atlanta Business Chronicle Announced Winners at an Awards Event on September 19, 2019 Kenneth Braswell, Sr., CEO of Fathers Incorporated, has been named the Winner of the Atlanta Business C...
Heterotaxy Connection Announces Any Way 5K Fundraiser 2019 By:Heterotaxy Connection 2019-09-23
DRAPER, Utah - Sept. 22, 2019 - Heterotaxy Connection, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and empowering families affected by heterotaxy syndrome, is pleased to announce the 2019 Any Way 5K event. Participants...
ChildPromise, Inc. to Host Third Annual Gala By:ChildPromise, Inc. 2019-09-19
ALLENTOWN, Pa. - Sept. 18, 2019 - ChildPromise, Inc. will hold its third annual gala on Thursday, October 10, 2019 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Green Valley Country Club in Lafayette Hill, PA. The evening's keynote ...
Smithtown Children's Foundation 2019 Community Table Relocates By:Smithtown Children's Foundation 2019-09-14
SMITHTOWN, N.Y. - Sept. 13, 2019 - The Smithtown Children's Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2019 Community Table grand tasting event will take place at the Watermill Caterers in Smithtown, NY, on Tuesday, November&...
Sailfish Marina partners to send relief to Bahamas-VIDEO By:Home Based Buzz 2019-09-12
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Sept. 11, 2019 - The devastation in the Bahamas is more than anyone could have imagined. People were left with literally nothing but the clothes on their backs. And now, Sailfish Marina and&n...
Ten Summer Camps Take Proactive Steps by Engaging LEAD, Inc By:Let's Empower, Advocate, and Do, Inc. 2019-09-09
BOSTON - Sept. 8, 2019 - During the summers of 2018 and 2019, Let's Empower, Advocate, and Do, Inc. (LEAD) instructors traveled the country to certify summer camps in 2.5-hour Camp Mental Health (
Memphis Magazine Produces Insensitive Mayoral Race Cover By:NAACP Memphis Branch 2019-09-01
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Aug. 31, 2019 - The NAACP Memphis Branch Executive Committee and General Membership are taking issue with the local publication Memphis Magazineand their recent depiction of Memphis mayoral candidates Willie Herenton,&...