Smithtown Children's Foundation 2019 Community Table Relocates By:Smithtown Children's Foundation 2019-09-14
SMITHTOWN, N.Y. - Sept. 13, 2019 - The Smithtown Children's Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2019 Community Table grand tasting event will take place at the Watermill Caterers in Smithtown, NY, on Tuesday, November&...
Sailfish Marina partners to send relief to Bahamas-VIDEO By:Home Based Buzz 2019-09-12
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Sept. 11, 2019 - The devastation in the Bahamas is more than anyone could have imagined. People were left with literally nothing but the clothes on their backs. And now, Sailfish Marina and&n...
Ten Summer Camps Take Proactive Steps by Engaging LEAD, Inc By:Let's Empower, Advocate, and Do, Inc. 2019-09-09
BOSTON - Sept. 8, 2019 - During the summers of 2018 and 2019, Let's Empower, Advocate, and Do, Inc. (LEAD) instructors traveled the country to certify summer camps in 2.5-hour Camp Mental Health (
Memphis Magazine Produces Insensitive Mayoral Race Cover By:NAACP Memphis Branch 2019-09-01
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Aug. 31, 2019 - The NAACP Memphis Branch Executive Committee and General Membership are taking issue with the local publication Memphis Magazineand their recent depiction of Memphis mayoral candidates Willie Herenton,&...
Pony 4 Precious Offers A Free Scholarship Contest By:Bello Sol Inc 2019-08-25
PHOENIX - Aug. 24, 2019 - Mike D Eastwood Chairman & CEO of Pony 4 Precious has launched the 2020 scholarship contest for anyone to try to win money for any student, club, group or organization. To learn mo...
Advocacy and Public Policy Leadership Training and Development By:Islamic Leadership Institute of America 2019-07-25
GREENBELT, Md. - July 25, 2019 - Earlier this month, a new educational and development program has been launched for youth of the DC and Baltimore metro areas. Islamic Leadership Institute of America (ILIA) a leader in&n...
Dr Dallas Stout Garners $750,000 Grant for Orange County Youth By:DoctorS Nonprofit Consulting 2019-07-24
FULLERTON, Calif. - July 24, 2019 -Doctors Dallas and Debra Stout, of DoctorS Nonprofit Consulting, were pleased to learn today that a 3-year, $750,000 grant they wrote for the Boys & Girls Club of Westminster has be...
Annual Literacy to Legacy Charity Golf Tournament By:Tu Love 2018-08-16
Atlanta, GA, Aug 16, 2018 -- Literacy to Legacy is back with another amazing fundraising event. On September 29th, Literacy to Legacy Inc will be holding their annual charity golf tournament fundraiser at Smokerise Golf Cours...
One Dynamic Life. Our story begins with a church background. By:William 2017-05-19
May 5, 2017- Our agency focuses on the betterment of others. Our mission is not to dynamically change the business model. We are here to improve the lifestyle of our customer through quality products and excellent custom...
Eugene OR Window Cleaning Company Charity Donation Partnership Announced By:Jason Brown Cutting Edge Window Cleaning Services 2017-04-05
Cutting Edge, a Eugene, Oregon window cleaning company, announced a partnership with Bags of Love, a charitable organization providing necessities and comfort items to disadvantaged children. Cutting Edge will organize a donation drive ...