List of Android features that have been inspired from Apple By:Tarun Nagar 2019-09-27
Today, the extent of technological development has addressed the basic issues of people’s life. The people are habituated to the advanced state of information and communication system. With the exponential growth of research and deve...
Parking Finder App: Convenient Way to Book Parking Space By:Colleen Jansen 2019-09-25
The need for mobile apps is increasing to facilitate targeted users and resolve their problems. Apps helping the user are appreciated and never get uninstalled from the smart apps. Users are always looking for smart apps that...
New Latest Update on Android | Android 10 By:Vrinsoft Australia 2019-09-19
Android 10 is rolling out o pixel phones and it is released on September 2, 2019. If you having pixel phones then it’s time to update your phone just go to setting-> system -> system update. If you are ...
Business - What do you need an app for? By:Tarun Nagar 2019-09-18
Still, Today Many small and medium-sized businesses consider website and facebook pages as the prime tool for digital business. It has been observed that nowadays, these tools are outdated. In this modern world, digital media hold...
New Dart 2.5 update with Flutter 1.9 version by Google By:Amit Agrawal 2019-09-18
Google has introduced New Dart 2.5 and Flutter 1.9 update supported by macOS Catalina and iOS 13 for flutter app development. While Dat 2.5 acts as a support for calling C code and superior code completion, Flutter ...
Importance of adding AI in your Business Mobile Apps By:Colleen Jansen 2019-09-17
Today, Artificial Intelligence in true sense is proceeding with new heights, stimulating human intelligence. The impact of Artificial Intelligence is redefining the scenario of the human and machine relationship. The ability of AI is t...
Paperless Mining Maintenance and Safety Inspection Checklists By:Naaman Shibi 2019-09-16
When selecting a mining maintenance inspection solution, its important to remember what is important for your business. What is crucial to success and what can transform your current situation. After establishing this, its important&nb...
AI in Healthcare: Streamline the patient engagement in healthcare By:Colleen Jansen 2019-09-10
Artificial Intelligence is taking many industries by storm. This high tech technology offers techniques to analyze big data and forecast the outcomes. Healthcare with AI is all about offering the services to the patient without&nb...
Before selling: Erase iPhone and Wipe iPad with iShredder iOS By:Protectstar Inc. 2019-09-06
MIAMI - Sept. 6, 2019 - Protectstar today announces the new update 3.x of iShredder iOS, their iOS data eraser app. The latest update supports the next new iOS version 13 and the coming iPhone 11. By directly connec...
Frequent Travelers Depend on Weather Apps to Maximize Trips By:6thSolution 2015-11-09
There is an old, wise saying that goes like "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." While it evokes the idea of preventative medicinal practices, the aforementioned proverb does not apply solely to h...