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Weight Loss Supplement For All Age Use By:health 2014-01-01
LIPO G3 GARCINIA CAMBOGIA NATURAL supplements are the new youngsters on the block once it involves all natural weight loss. It appears that there’s an excellent deal of buzz concerning this not therefore bran-new dietary se...
Drunken driving on new year’s eve can be risky By:HEART CARE FOUNDATION OF INDIA 2014-01-01
GREATER KAILASH, India -- Medical doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol but those who drink and want to celebrate the new year’s eve with a drink, they should ensure that they do not drive after drinking, said ...
Reiki Awakening Academy Launches Newly Upgraded Website By:Scott Hayes 2014-01-01
According to Executive Director Alice Langholt, the site has a new streamlined look and design, to better provide free and affordable online classes, certification programs, and online training in holistic studies. “Especially in this&nbs...
ChiroSpring Software Wows Reviewers By:ChiroSpring 2014-01-01
DAVENPORT, Iowa -- Busy chiropractors know that wasted time is missed money. And with a daily regimen of scheduling appointments, treating patients, completing SOAP notes, billing charges, reconciling claims and juggling all the ...
Tribulus Terrestris Supplement May Prevent Unhealthy Weight Gain By:Scott Hayes 2013-12-31
Orlando, Florida – Tribulus Terrestris supplement may prevent unhealthy weight gain, making it one of the most important supplements in the market today. Unhealthy weight gain can be a catalyst for hormonal changes and imbalances,&nb...
Doctor's Success Comes From Unexpected Places - ChiroSpring By:ChiroSpring 2013-12-31
DAVENPORT, Iowa -- Sitting in her Spinal Anatomy class at Palmer College of Chiropractic, the future Dr. Chrissy Albery couldn’t have known where her career as a chiropractor would take her. As a chiropractic student, ...
Market Research Report: India Hearing Impairment Market By:Ken Resaerch 2013-12-31
PITAM PURA, India -- India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Constant GDP growth has led to a rise in per capita income. Due to the rise in income levels, people are now being able to&n...
Raspberry Ketone Promotes Long-Term Weight Loss Success By:Scott Hayes 2013-12-31
Orlando, Florida – Raspberry ketone Ultra proves to be one of the most recognized weight loss supplements today as it promotes long-term weight loss success. Individuals who have lost weight may find themselves regaining those u...
CoQ10 Deficiency Becomes More Prevalent By:Scott Hayes 2013-12-30
Orlando, Florida – It has caught the attention of many health experts today that the prevalence of CoQ10 deficiency is increasing. It was found that there are various factors that oftentimes lead to deficiency including die...