Exclusive International Gourmet Society Opens the Door to Non-Members By:Chaine des Rotisseurs NSW Bailliage 2013-09-26
SYDNEY, Australia -- The Australian chapter of exclusive gourmet society Chaîne des Rôtisseurs are holding their annual Intronisation Ceremony and Gala Dinner at the Shangri-La in Sydney on Saturday, 26 October 2013 and they are...
Over 19,000 kg of Tea consumed in the UAE everyday By:Orient Planet 2013-09-25
The price of tea in the UAE has risen by almost 50 per cent in the UAE over the past couple of years in response to consumption, which is bolstered by a growing population and an intensifying focus on fitn...
Best Juicer Award Presented At Bengaluru Meet By:Best Juicer Reviewed 2013-09-25
BANGALORE, India -- The winner of a performance contest held by BestJuicerReviewed.com to select the best juicer (http://www.BestJuicerReviewed.com) available in the market today was awarded a prize at a meet of industry professionals ...
The biggest challenge in franchising is… By:The Fish & Chip Co. 2013-09-23
BOKSBURG, South Africa -- It is said that franchising is a sure-fire way of securing business success, being cemented on the successes of other aspiring business pioneers. Even though franchise businesses usually come with tried&n...
Crystal Chocolatier: Changes in the Chocolate Decorations By:Eweev 2013-09-23
Crystal Chocolatier welcomes to their factory the cellophane wrapped chocolate. Cellophane is a thin, transparent sheet that protects from air, water, bacteria, greases, and is very useful for chocolate packaging. Known for their love&...