Will a franchise work for you? By:Maxi's 2013-11-29
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- Many people who receive large sums of money such as a retrenchment or retirement package and sometimes even an inheritance, consider buying a franchise to make their money grow. The food franchis...
SGS Informs on Food and Plant Pathogens By:SGS Consumer Testing Services 2013-11-29
GENEVA, Switzerland -- Consumption of fresh produce has increased in recent years, prompted by healthy eating campaigns. However, compared to previous years, fruit and vegetables are now being identified more frequently as the source&n...
Regulation and Labeling of Genetically Modified (GMO) Foods By:SGS Consumer Testing Services 2013-11-27
FAIRFIELD, N.J. -- The food industry has long battled with questions about the benefits and safety of GMO products. In the face of resistance from regulators, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and consumers, GMO products have ...
Top Experts in Turkey Research By:Expertscape 2013-11-27
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Gobble Gobble! With Thanksgiving upon us, Expertscape would like to break away from healthcare for a moment to recognize those that dedicate themselves to the bird at the center of the Thanksgiving h...
$25,000 King Cake Sale To Benefit Three Local Charities By:Cottage Catering 2013-11-14
NEW ORLEANS -- Cottage Catering and Bakery will donate $25,000 in king cakes to benefit three local charities: Team Gleason, Animal Rescue New Orleans (ARNO), and Fallen Heroes. On January, 4, 2014, Cottage Catering and Bakery&nbs...
Thailand Pavilion Grand Opening Ceremony at Global Village 2013-2014 By:Vega Intertrade and Exhibition 2013-11-12
Thailand’s cultural culinary splendor The Vega Intertrade and Exhibition has something whipped and cooked-up for your enjoyment. The fusion of various tastes, delectable recipes and such other extremely worth experiencing activities are alread...
A TDF Case Study and nutritional info of a TDF Plan By:Total Diet Food 2013-11-05
LONDON, U.K. -- A TDF Case Study and nutritional info of a TDF Plan A TDF Plan works for people with a huge variety of different requirements. Some like to lose weight, some to gain and many just to maintain&nb...
Maxi’s awards couple a second honeymoon in Zanzibar By:Maxi's 2013-10-16
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- Maxi’s recently held a competition where anyone who spent R250-00 or more at any one of its restaurants in the Limpopo province, could win a trip of a lifetime, an all-expenses paid vacati...
Cotton Candy Machine: Make Your Own Cotton Candy By:epopcorn.com 2013-10-14
WASHINGTON -- The cotton candy machine can facilitate all hygiene conscious sweet treats lover in making their cotton candy at home. The operation of a candy machine is quite simple. “All customers need is their machine,&nb...
Garlic In The Kitchen As Medicine With Dr Bruck By:Homeopathy World Community 2013-10-14
CARY, N.C. -- Host Debby Bruck and Dr Robert Bruck talk about GARLIC Monday at 11AM ET USA on NissanCommunications Network. The Health Inn Channel caters to those who seek new and innovative concepts, explorers, people w...
Dietary wafers with Stevia from confectionery factory ZhL By:ZhL, ALC 2013-10-09
ZHYTOMYR, Ukraine -- Zhytomyr confectionery factory "ZhL" can truly be considered as an innovative company of Ukraine that is modernizing its production, improving technology in accordance with the latest trends in the confectione...
Understanding Allergen Management: Survey of Current Practices By:SGS Headquarters 2013-10-08
Awareness of risks from food allergens has evolved fast and it continues to develop. Food allergies and intolerances are now well recognized as a food safety issue, yet they need to be managed increasingly better. The main&nb...
New Buffet launched at TFJ, Hotel CrossRoads, Gurgaon By:Hotel Cross Roads 2013-10-03
GURGAON, India -- Tastes and flavors from all over the world come together with a zest and zing at TFJ, Hotel Crossroads in Gurgaon. Be it Pan-Asian, Western or contemporary Indian, TFJ is a one-stop-shop for the go...