minoTOR™ Partners with Team Blacksheep By:G3 Labs, Inc. 2015-08-25
This partnership allows two likeminded groups to come together on a common platform, exchange ideas, and extend the influence of health and fitness to new communities across the US. Grabowski, CEO of G3 Labs, Inc., said “Te...
G3 Labs, Inc. Makes Nationwide Push with minoTOR™ By:G3 Labs, Inc. 2015-08-25
G3 Labs, Inc. has officially become a registered brand with online retail giant, Amazon, the largest Internet-based retailer in the United States. minoTOR™ the Premium Sports Supplement is available for sale in 12 Pack Cas...
Boxers must use supplements designed to meet their training needs By:KO Power 2015-08-20
Boxers shouldn't take mainstream post-workout drinks that are designed for bodybuilders and general gym people. These supplements do not address and enhance all elements of a boxer's training regime. For that reason, we've developed a&...
Vorkitout Fitness - One size DOESN'T fit all By: Abzy, Founder & CEO 2015-08-18
RAK, UAE, August 17, 2015 -- The world is moving on towards a fast paced life where results matter and information about absolutely everything is freely available over the internet. However, as individuals are discovering the...
Anti Gravity® Fitness is now in Mount Maunganui By:Float Fitness 2015-06-10
TAURANGA, New Zealand -- Float Fitness is bringing a unique and exciting form of exercise to Mount Maunganui Originally inspired by Cirque Du Soleil , these movements are specifically designed to be used in our ceiling strung...
JSA @ Mothers Day Classic 2015 By:Job Support Australia 2015-05-11
Job Support Australia leant a set of joggers and goodwill for the Mothers Day Classic to help the National Breast Cancer Foundation fund their research projects aimed at improving the detection, treatment and outcomes for tho...
Most People Dump New Years Resolution to Watch What They Eat in May By:PersonalTrainerFood.com 2015-05-05
FORT WORTH, Texas -- Journalists: Contact PersonalTrainerFood.com media relations for numbers specific to your market. Every year millions of Americans resolve to eat healthy and shed pounds. Each January, healthy eating is everywhere and&n...
Carry The Challenge - Phase One By RICK COLLINS By:RICK COLLINS 2015-04-10
SAN DIEGO -- Mission: To Normalize and Civilianize PTS, thereby eliminating the Stigma associated with it. Stigma Kills - there we said it. Simple, aggressive, blunt and to the point. Hundreds of people, each and every month,...