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Lækkun hlutafjár í Sjóvá-Almennum tryggingum hf. By:Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf. 2021-05-21
May 20, 2021 - Skráð hefur verið í Fyrirtækjaskrá hlutafjárlækkun í Sjóvá-Almennum tryggingum hf. að nafnverði kr. 1.851.174, en á aðalfundi félagsins þann 12. mars sl. var samþykkt eftirfarandi tillaga stjórnar um ...
Face Yoga: The Anti-Botox Routine Protecting Millions of Women By:Face Yoga 2021-05-21
NEW YORK, May 20, 2021 - A study conducted by leading dermatologists shows that facial adipose tissue loss improvements that may come with regular facial exercises. Whitney Buha, Chicago-based marketer, had been getting Botox for&...
Industry Veterans Launch NJ-Based RIA Talisman Wealth Advisors By:LPL Financial Holdings, Inc. 2021-05-21
CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 20, 2021 - LPL Financial LLC today announced that financial advisors Jennifer Kirby and Frank Granizo launched their new RIA, Talisman Wealth Advisors, and selected LPL Financial as their custodian. The princi...
AMIH Publishes Corporate Video and Investor’s Web Tab By:American International Holdings Corp. 2021-05-21
Frisco, TX, May 20, 2021 - American International Holdings Corp. (OTCQB: AMIH), a diversified holding company that develops, acquires and operates technology-based health and wellness companies, today announced it has published a corporate&...
Stax Strengthens E-Commerce Presence With PayCertify Partnership By:Stax 2021-05-21
ORLANDO, Fla., May 20, 2021 - Stax by Fattmerchant, the industry’s only complete all-in-one solution for managing everything in the payments ecosystem, announces its partnership with PayCertify, an innovative, global fintech marketplace a...
Bank of the James Declares 10% Stock Dividend By:Bank of the James Financial Group, Inc. 2021-05-21
LYNCHBURG, Va., May 20, 2021 - At its Annual Meeting of Shareholders held on May 18, 2021, Bank of the James Financial Group, Inc. (the “Company”) (NASDAQ:BOTJ), the parent company of Bank of the James, a full-servic...
REITIR: Niðurstaða skuldabréfaútboðs 20. maí 2021 By:Reitir fasteignafélag hf. 2021-05-21
Lokuðu útboði Reita fasteignafélags hf. á skuldabréfum þann 20. maí 2021 er lokið. Boðin voru til sölu skuldabréf í verðtryggða flokknum REITIR150527, og óverðtryggða flokknum REITIR150523. Alls bárust tilboð í flokkana tvo&...
TAAT™ Entering U.K. Market with Significant Competitive Advantages By:TAAT Global Alternatives Inc. 2021-05-20
LAS VEGAS and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 20, 2021 - TAAT™ GLOBAL ALTERNATIVES INC. (CSE: TAAT) (OTCQX: TOBAF) (FRANKFURT: 2TP) (the “Company” or “TAAT™”) recently announced in a press release dated April 30, 2021 ...
Dėl pritarimo stebėtojų tarybos narių kandidatūroms By:SUTNTIB „INVL Baltic Real Estate” 2021-05-20
2021 m. gegužės 19 d. „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ (toliau – „Bendrovė“) gavo Lietuvos banko pranešimą, kuriuo yra pritariama Bendrovės stebėtojų tarybos narių kandidatūroms. 2021 m. balandžio 29 d. Bendrovės eilinis visuotinis&nbs...
Fejl i Indre værdi i afdeling Falcon Globale Aktier By:Investeringsforeningen Falcon Invest 2021-05-20
Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S Nikolaj Plads 6 1007 København K København, den 19. Maj 2021 Investeringsforeningen Falcon Invest – Fejl i indre værdi i Globale Momentum Med henvisning til LIF § 75, stk. 1, skal det hermed oplyses, at den&...
Homebuyers Finding New Listings Off of the MLS By:Homepie 2021-05-20
SIMI VALLEY, Calif., May 19, 2021 - Homepie, Inc., a leading provider of do-it-yourself tools for home buyers and sellers, announced today that they are seeing a surge in homebuyer search traffic to listings that are&nb...
Foresight 4 VCT plc - Transaction in Own Shares By:Foresight 4 VCT PLC 2021-05-20
TRANSACTION IN OWN SECURITIES The Board of Foresight 4 VCT plc (“the Company”) announces that on 19 May 2021 the Company purchased for cancellation 810,790 ordinary shares of 1p at a gross price of 57.44p per share. In&nb...
Ageas maakt herzien totaal aantal uitstaande aandelen bekend By:Ageas 2021-05-20
Ageas maakt herzien totaal aantal uitstaande aandelen bekend Na de vernietiging van 3.520.446 Ageas aandelen die in 2020 zijn ingekocht, is het totale aantal uitstaande aandelen (de noemer) gedaald naar 191.033.128. De Buitengewone Algemene ...