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Gennemførelse af kapitalnedsættelse ved ændring af stykstørrelsen By:Newcap Holding 2021-05-28
Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 8 / 2021 27. maj 2021 Gennemførelse af kapitalnedsættelse ved ændring af stykstørrelsen På den ordinære generalforsamling i NewCap Holding A/S den 22. april 2021 blev det vedtaget at nedsætte selskabets aktiekapital ...
Kvika banki hf.: Afkomutilkynning fyrir fyrsta ársfjórðung 2021 By:Kvika banki hf. 2021-05-28
Á stjórnarfundi þann 27. maí 2021 samþykktu stjórn og forstjóri árshlutauppgjör samstæðu Kviku banka hf. fyrir tímabilið 1. janúar 2021 til 31. mars 2021. Helstu atriði úr árshlutareikningi fyrir fyrstu þrjá mánuði ársins&n...
Niðurstaða Hæstaréttar vegna uppgreiðslugjalda ÍL-sjóðs By:ÍL-sjóður 2021-05-28
May 27, 2021 - Hæstiréttur hefur komist að þeirri niðurstöðu að ákvæði reglugerðar sem mælti fyrir um útreikning uppgreiðslugjalds vegna skuldabréfs (ÍLS-veðbréfs) sem gefið var út í apríl 2008 hafi uppfyllt þau skil...
RvC Ease2pay geeft goedkeuring aan koop parkeeractiviteiten By:Ease2pay NV 2021-05-28
May 27, 2021 - De RvC van Ease2pay N.V. heeft het voornemen om de parkeerdata diensten, het parkeergarage reserveringsplatform en de website van Monotch B.V. over te nemen goedgekeurd. Beide bedrijven hadden hier...
Van Lanschot Kempen: besluiten en uitkomsten AVA 2021 By:Van Lanschot Kempen Wealth Management N.V. 2021-05-28
Amsterdam/’s-Hertogenbosch, 27 mei 2021 De algemene vergadering (AVA) van Van Lanschot Kempen heeft op 27 mei 2021 de jaarrekening 2020 vastgesteld. De AVA, die vandaag werd gehouden in Amsterdam, heeft ook ingestemd met alle overige ...
Van Lanschot Kempen: 2021 AGM decisions and outcomes By:Van Lanschot Kempen Wealth Management N.V. 2021-05-28
Amsterdam/’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, 27 May 2021 On 27 May 2021, Van Lanschot Kempen’s annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) adopted the 2020 financial statements. Held today in Amsterdam, the AGM also agreed to all other...
Red River Bancshares, Inc. Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend By:Red River Bancshares, Inc. 2021-05-28
ALEXANDRIA, La., May 27, 2021 - Red River Bancshares, Inc. (Nasdaq: RRBI) (the “Company”) announced today that on May 27, 2021, its board of directors declared a quarterly cash dividend in an amount equal to $0.07 pe...
Capital City Bank Group, Inc. Announces Cash Dividend By:Capital City Bank Group 2021-05-28
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., May 27, 2021 - The Board of Directors of Capital City Bank Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CCBG) declared a quarterly cash dividend on its common stock of $.15 per share. The dividend produces an annualized rate&...
Mindset Ventures Launches $52 Million Venture Capital Fund By:Mindset Ventures 2021-05-27
SÃO PAULO, Brazil and SAN FRANCISCO, May 26, 2021 - Mindset Ventures, an international venture capital firm that supports the growth and development of groundbreaking companies, today announced Fund III, its new $52 million ventu...
AGF Announces Changes to Its Relationship with Instar Group Inc. By:AGF Management Ltd. 2021-05-27
TORONTO, May 26, 2021 - AGF Management Limited (AGF) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with Instar Group Inc. (Instar) to conclude their joint venture relationship in InstarAGF Asset Management Inc.&n...
Financial Institutions, Inc. Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend By:Financial Institutions, Inc. 2021-05-27
WARSAW, N.Y., May 26, 2021 - Financial Institutions, Inc. (NASDAQ:FISI) (the “Company”), parent company of Five Star Bank, SDN Insurance Agency, LLC (“SDN”), Courier Capital, LLC (“Courier Capital”) and HNP Capital, LLC (“HNP&...
Meta Financial Group, Inc.® Publishes Inaugural Environmental, Social and Governance Report By:Meta Financial Group, Inc. 2021-05-27
SIOUX FALLS, S.D., May 26, 2021 - Meta Financial Group, Inc.® (Nasdaq: CASH) (“Meta”), the financial holding company of MetaBank®, N.A., a leading financial enablement company, today announced the release of its inaugural 2020&nb...
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 26, 2021 - First US Bancshares, Inc. (Nasdaq: FUSB) (the “Company”) announced today that the Company’s Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of $0.03 per share. The dividend is payable&n...