Hotchkiss, CO, July 14, 2019 -- Join us July 26-28 in the beautiful North Fork Valley of western Colorado for the gathering of the shamans. Shamans Camp will offer a full three-day schedule of ceremonies, sweat lodges, workshops and art. Camping options include 20 RV spaces ($6 night) and plenty of tent sites ($3 night).
This year's camp features Donald Beartrack leading sweat lodges, Kim Kauley teaching a medicine wheel workshop, Robert Sullivan (Chi) leading a plant medicine ceremony, Big River John Matloky with a tobacco pipe ceremony and Winter Ross with a drum journey lodge and many other guest presenters including Art Goodtimes of the Mushroom Festival in Telluride, Bernie Heideman leading a song circle and Dances of Universal Peace and Tanya Blacklight with a Woman's Red Tent Circle.
Hanging in the hospitality area you'll see amazing shamanic works of art by such notables at Chris Gentry, Winter Ross, Erick Ingraham, and Ariel Mosher. Shamanic artist Sofija Bogdanovic joins us to teach a 2-hour hands-on painting workshop called Paintng the Inner Journey at the Creamery Arts Center in Hotchkiss.
In the vendor area you'll be delighted by the shamanic tools and wonderful gifts you can pick up for yourself or your friends. At the main stage you'll hear music of all types at our ongoing Open Mic. Sign up for workshops, ceremonies and Open Mic at
Julia Widdop
Shamans Camp
261 W Hotchkiss Ave.,
Hotchkiss, CO 81419