Women account for 17% of military personnel and that percentage is growing quickly as more women enlist. PTSD is a real problem, but there is a dearth of programs to help women address these issues when they return home.
Having worked at the VA hospital as a nurse for 36 years, Marcia E. Catlett knows firsthand that “most of the PTSD programs are geared toward male veterans.” As a nurse and a veteran, Catlett attests that “It’s only recently that they’ve started programs for female veterans.”
Catlett knows that part of healing is having an opportunity to talk about previous trauma. Whether enlisted or not, “We all have a story,” she says. “But in keeping secrets, we make ourselves unhealthy. In order for us to heal, our secrets must be exposed. We are stronger than we know.” Catlett practices what she preaches, and she has made it her mission to share her experiences with other women and girls.
From working with other female health care professionals to meeting with young girls in her church, Catlett has found many ways to mentor other women around her. “My main goal is to get these women to set goals for themselves,” she explains. “I’m amazed at some of their stories, the abuse, and trials that they are going through or have gone through at such a young age.”
As a survivor of abuse herself, Catlett is all too familiar with the particular challenges it presents. The turning point for her was meeting with a life coach. “This coach helped me to see that the lessons I have learned could be useful to others. That is what made me sit down and write down my story so that I can use it as an example for other women who are going through something similar.”
That was three years ago and Catlett is now publishing her first memoir that details both her life’s challenges and successes. The book discusses Catlett’s childhood and early experiences with abuse as well as her successful career as a nurse, who went on to receive multiple degrees. Catlett tells her story with both humor and honesty.
“This book is important today more than ever before,” comments Publisher Lisa M. Umina. “Catlett is sharing a story that can help many other people who need to hear this voice of hope.”
The book launch event will be held on August 3rd, 2019 from 3-6pm at the Eastway Plaza Building on 12 Wenger Road in Englewood, Ohio.
For more information about Marcia E. Catlett visit www.halopublishing.com. “Seasons: My Life Journey” is now available at Halo Publishing International, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, and Books a Million.