Atlanta, GA, Aug 16, 2018 -- Literacy to Legacy is back with another amazing fundraising event. On September 29th, Literacy to Legacy Inc will be holding their annual charity golf tournament fundraiser at Smokerise Golf Course in Stone Mountain, GA. In addition to playing golf, there will be live performances and a food fair provided by local food vendors that want to showcase their talents by offering a sampling of their menus in a Tapa style presentation to golf and event attendees.
This year's cause and initiative is to raise funds to support Literacy to Legacy's 2018 Ex-Offender to Entrepreneurship Program.
The Ex-Offender to Entrepreneurship Program will provide the following services:
- Assist clients who can work to find solutions for job placement and reunification by providing expungement services, investigating child support, visitation, and parenting rights, and offering job placement and entrepreneurial services training for ex-offenders in trades that may lead them to become small business owners and/or skilled laborers in trades that pay better than minimum wages;
- Position ex-offenders in self-employment opportunities so they can earn greater-than-poverty wages without having to depend upon a third-party employer for work opportunities. This program is done in partnership with the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services, Fulton County Office of Workforce Development, IBEW Local Union 613, United States Department of Veteran's Affairs, and other stakeholders;
- Provide Technical Training to expose clients to in-demand occupations based on state standards to increase employability for participants. For veterans, they will connect them to resources in which they may be entitled, provide alternative trade skills and core case management services. Literacy to Legacy regularly partners with Fulton County Office of Workforce Development, and Duncan Nuggets® Softs Skills Training;
- Offer entrepreneurial training through incubator services designed to help the clients establish businesses to increase their opportunities for success. Additionally, Literacy to Legacy hosts YES seminars (Young Entrepreneurial Showcases) in which invitations are sent out to communities, organizations, and professionals to increase awareness of the client's businesses and encourage patronizing of these new business owners; and
- Provide financial literacy training to offer clients the necessary tools to manage their finances and increase their financial stability. Literacy to Legacy, Inc. provides seminars on financial literacy, mentoring, and entrepreneurial services.
If you're a non profit looking to partner, need more information, or to purchase your spot on the golf course, visit or call 828-515-4719. If you would still like to support this amazing cause but unable to attend, you can also visit the website to donate.
If you're interested in volunteering or performing, please call 828-515-4719.
For sponsorship and vendor/food fair opportunities, media inquiries, and celebrity involvement or attendance;
The Meme Agency
About Literacy to Legacy:
Our mission is to assist homeless women and children, veterans, youth aging out of foster care, and ex-offenders to attain self-sufficiency and live their best life through providing permanent supportive housing, mentoring, education, training, and entrepreneurship to leave a legacy for future generations.
Our Target population is to homeless women and children, youth aging out of foster care, veterans, and ex-offenders. Unfortunately, minorities are disproportionately affected by these conditions and while our commitment has been to serve the community at large, the majority of all of our individuals served have always been people of color.
Literacy To Legacy, Inc. is providing much-needed services to Atlanta's most vulnerable individuals through comprehensive, impactful, and relevant programming. For over 10 years, we have significantly impacted dozens of lives and created long-term self-sufficiency skills that will benefit our clients and their families for generations to come.
Tu Love
The Meme Agency
516 Sosebee Farm Rd Ste 585
Grayson, GA 30017