Dan Abelow1
Orlando, FL – Dan Abelow, inventor of the patented people-first Expandiverse Technology has introduced Media 2025 , a new exponential growth paradigm for publishers to take back leadership by transforming their publishing role, revenues and growth. A series of 22 weekly articles published every Monday on Biznology.com , starting now and continuing through December, Media 2025 also includes a free Webinar, E-book and E-course. Services include business visioning, strategic planning, design workshops, UX (User Experience), and development assistance. The Media 2025 series introduces a new people-first paradigm for a media-based, two-way, always-on Exponential Growth Publishing Platform.
Four companies have already captured 80% of the emerging digital economy's revenues, growth, employees and market capitalization. These winner-take-all owners are Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon. Media 2025 transforms a leading publisher’s role and growth by delivering prosperity, protection and greatness to companies and people. They can use this platform to lead a revitalized publishing industry and scale it as a cloud service to help people worldwide, other companies and publishers by selling their people-first platform as a universal Digital Transformation service — and earn transaction and other revenues like Visa, Amazon Marketplace or iTunes.
“Media 2025 is a direct parallel to humanity’s greatest intellectual revolution, printed books. It took three generations, from the 1445 to 1520, to develop the book after printing was invented. We are only about 25 years into the mass market Internet, the equivalent of 1470, but we could build the complete Digital Earth that benefits everyone now. What if we use this decade’s digital eclipse of many leading companies to help them switch from falling behind to leading a successful Digital Earth soon? What if some major publishers don’t decline, but instead start using this Digital Earth platform, then sell it as a cloud service? Both they and many threatened companies can turn into leaders of a powerful people-first planet within 5 to 10 years,” said Abelow, Founder of Media 2025 and Inventor of its patented Expandiverse technology.
This global digital transformation will be different because of digital's speed and scale. One or more publishers can lead this exponential growth for everyone, restoring the balance between people, publishing and dominant advertising models. These transformed publishers can then scale this worldwide by providing it as cloud services to many threatened companies and other publishers. A “Digital Leadership as a Service” platform can grow an ecosystem of leading companies that changes their role from playing catch-up to leading the world, by helping people grow exponentially in their online activities.
Describing the initial response to this innovation, “The biggest surprise was receiving over 500 patent citations within 10 months of the first issued patent for Expandiverse Technology. That compares to 3 citations for an average patent, and only 0.01% of patents that receive more than 100 citations. This IP (Intellectual Property) already exceeds 650 patent citations, with the most coming from leading tech companies. Seen as a node on the patent citation ‘tree’ of digital inventions, this is becoming an IP signpost that reveals our coming digital evolution” said Abelow.
Media 2025 adds a two-way, always-on Digital Earth. Publishers who provide this 21st century publishing platform connect with every person in every online step. This media-based platform produces Connected Consumption with each person's trusted and preferred vendors, while excluding other vendors and services. It delivers humanity’s combined knowledge and resources as an embedded part of continuously connected living and working.
About Dan Abelow:
Dan Abelow is an independent inventor, author, speaker, and technology consultant. He holds degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School of Business, and has developed hundreds of UX advances for industry-leading companies. His latest invention, the Expandiverse, is new technology for building a people-first Digital Earth. Its first patent has already been cited over 650 times by subsequent patents. Dan’s previous patents were licensed by over 550 corporations that include Apple, Google, Samsung Electronics, Microsoft and others.
- Exponential Growth Publishing Platform at Media2025.com
- Roadmaps and briefings to build a people-first Digital Earth at DigitalEarth2025.com
- New Digital Earth technology with over 650 patent citations at Expandiverse.com
- User experience services to lead the Digital Earth at BreakthroughUx.com
- Vision: Now a free book in the top 10% of Medium.com: Imagine a New Future: Creating Greatness for All
Media Contact:
Name: Dan Abelow
Phone: +1 (407) 786-7422
Email: dan@expandiverse.com
Website: http://abelow.com/