SamC, a renowned name in the world of digital solutions, has launched Highlight Keywords extension, which has a huge potential for all users today.
Internet has made things a lot easier for users. Now they can search and read about practically everything they want online. They simply have to type in the keywords of their choice and the search engine does the rest for them. It ensures that people are able to find information on different subjects and matters with ease.
This extension takes a step further and offers users the cutting edge advantage. Now they will find that the keywords that they have searched for are highlighted on the page. Thus users can have their search focused on the page, which has been thrown up as a result. They can pay attention to the information they have wanted instantly.
One of the advantages of Highlight Keywords is thus the fact that their attention is stressed on the information relevant to the search. Imagine the time it can save them when they are going through rather long webpages that contain the information they are looking for. Users will also be pleased to find that the extension is versatile for their needs.
It supports all the major Search Engines that are hugely popular with users. Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex and Baidu are the search engines that the extension supports. It works with Firefox and is compatible with Firefox 57+. Versatile, easy to use and efficient, this extension is a huge time saver for users.
About Highlight Keywords
This extension from SamC has its advantages for users as they can now see the keywords they have searched for easily when the page opens.
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