I'M GLAD I'M A GIRL, a new picture book from Meaningful Words Publishing, takes readers on a thoughtful journey from 1950s satire to a deep place of warmth and contentment. The words fly off the tongue in rhythmic lyrics, and feel like a soothing bubble bath to the senses. It's a sweet lift for girls with poor self-esteem, and may help girls feel better about themselves.
The writer, Vanessa M Gates says, "This may assist girls with low self-esteem and help them know how amazing they are. And if they work on the journal in the end, it may lead them to make better decisions in intimate relationships during their teen years and later on in life."
But Vanessa M Gates has a lofty goal. She wants to help increase safety later on in girls' lives through her book. Vanessa is a survivor of domestic violence and rape. She was raped at four year old and again in college. She knows there is nothing she could have done about what happened to her when she was four, but she insists she made some poor choices in college. While she doesn't blame herself, she states that low self-esteem attributed to her attracting negative influences. She also spent time at parties where people were out of control and willing to take advantage of her.
According to The National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one fourth of girls experiences sexual violence in their lifetime, and one in five girls reports a rape, though many go unreported. From ages 20 to 24, women are the most likely to be victims of sexual violence and the average age at which girls become victims of prostitution is 12 to 14.
It is also alarming to hear that one in four girls is sexually abused even before the age of 18. That is why teaching girls to love themselves and make good choices before they are adults is crucial. Maybe if they learn that they are powerful and will overcome the pain, they can come forward if they are already victims. It is so important for them to know that whatever happens, it is never their fault. They need to love themselves no matter what happens, and that is the most important message in this book. Survivors can learn to overcome and love themselves.
Vanessa M Gates wrote I'M GLAD I'M A GIRL for young girls to help them feel good about themselves and learn to make positive choices.This is not a book about rape, domestic violence or sexual assault, but it does help them improve low self-esteem. And in the end, the journal helps them think about making positive and safe choices.
Ms. Gates admits that she cannot predict how much of an impact a book can continue to have years later, but she says that one book she read still influences her to this day. The book THE GIVING TREE remains a source of inspiration for her since her dad gave her that book when she was young, lonely and missing him. She never forgot the message of hope and giving. She still remembers the way the tree felt truly happy to give of himself. She hopes her book can also have a lasting impact on others.
I'M GLAD I'M A GIRL promotes self-esteem and sends the powerful message that girls can do anything and be anyone through hard work and imagination. It empowers girls and lifts them up, letting them know that no matter what they have been through, they can overcome. It's a positive book and may be the first book with a journal in the end where girls can express their feelings and put selfies.
When girls read this book and improve their self-esteem, the hope is that later on, they will choose positive activities. Perhaps in their teen years, they will reflect and remember that they are worthy of respect and healthy relationships. Instead of staying out late in the night, it is Vanessa M Gates' hope that teens and young adults will find positive community activities and make healthy choices where they are safer.
In her words, "Nothing will eliminate the threat of domestic violence and sexual assault, but making positive choices can increase safety. I am a survivor myself and want to help girls believe in themselves. It's never your fault, but there are choices that can help improve your safety. I want girls to know how unique and amazing they are. This book can help."
Right now, Kickstarter is working to raise funds for the illustrations. You can contribute as little as 10 dollars. For a 50 dollar contribution, you will get an e-book. To help, find Kickstarter and be a backer at: [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/994912243/fir...](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/994912243/first-picture-book-to-celebrate-being-a-girl?ref=user_menu)
This book can make a difference in the lives of girls. It may even improve their safety when they learn that they are worthy of respect and healthy love.