EXOUS Bodygear today announced a new price change for their performance [7mm knee sleeves](http://amzn.to/2o4sg9h) sold exclusively on amazon.com. The brand who focus heavily on providing value in their sports and fitness range of products aligned a new price point of $35 which today which qualifies for free shipping on the amazon marketplace.
Providing supports and braces that can help individuals in pain and injury is a big part of our product line, but even bigger in our minds is making our products available for as many people as we can. We hope the new lower price will make our [knee sleeves](http://www.exousbodygear.com/ex-277-performance-knee-sleeve/) more affordable. What better time to help promote physical activity than during the NCAA March Madness Season. said Mannie Kaur brand manager
The brands products span across a multitude of sports; basketball, wrestling, crossfit, strength training and a number of power sports which all take a big toll on the lower limbs, in particular the knees. The company are looking to expand into new sports in the 2nd half of 2017.
EXOUS Bodygear produce a number of sports and fitness products. Selling currently on the amazon platform in both the US and Europe their support and brace line of product portfolio consists of The EX-701[knee brace](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z1KR35O), the EX-277 performance knee sleeves and the Performance elbow strap. The brand currently are in the testing phase for a new knee support product that will cater for people that have a wider knee and upper thigh measurement that require more substantial support over what the performance knee sleeve can offer. The brand expect to launch the new knee product first in the UK in the 2nd quarter of 2017 where they have a smaller test market where any issues can be ironed out before a launch into the US market.
About EXOUS Bodygear
EXOUS Bodygear are a sports and fitness brand dedicated to making high-quality functional products that meet the needs of the consumer. The brand ethos is different by design making new and exciting products that have been designed to offer more function, features and value to what is in the marketplace already.