Earlier today, Himchuli announced the launch of their signature cocktails, which have been in development by the team since the restaurant's opening in December. The main aim of these offerings is to bridge the gap between Western cocktails and exotic Indian flavors.
Chase Thomas, front-of-house manager and chief mixologist at Himchuli, stated: "We wanted to try something new with the launch of our signature cocktails. Anyone familiar with Indian restaurants has surely noticed how most places that offer authentic Indian food lack knowledge of wines and spirits. Until now, Denver metro residents have had to choose between authentic Indian cuisine and hand-crafted cocktails."
So as a welcome breath of fresh air, Himchuli will instead assist Denver residents in exploring the unique flavors of Indian cuisine, with exclusive cocktails. Himchuli chose to make this move because they wanted to offer Denver's Highlands community a place to relax, and enjoy great drinks paired with authentic Indian & Nepali food.
Chase continued to say, "We are bridging the gap between Western cocktails and exotic Indian flavors. We are achieving this with drinks such as our 'Kat Man Yak', an Indian take on the Moscow mule, featuring rangpur-flavored gin. Rangpur is an exotic citrus fruit that has been used for centuries in northwest India, offering a bold flavor, unparalleled in the Western world. Trying something new is always a risk, but it's a risk we believe is worth taking."
Himchuli has been in business for a little over 3 months, having opened at the old Coral Room location in December, 2016. Since day one they have aimed to provide delicious Indian and Nepali food with hospitality and drink knowledge.
The signature cocktails on the happy hour menu, will launch Monday, March 13th. To find out more about this new restaurant in the Highlands neighborhood, visit Himchuli's [Facebook page](http://Facebook.com/HimchuliHighlands).