A new book addresses research revealing that 99% of all diseases, even Inflammation and autoimmune problems, have a common root cause and confirms that eliminating it creates health.
Linda's House of Healthy Choices has released a potentially controversial book, [Unload Toxic Overload, The Easy Way](http://lindalamme.com/easiest-way-to-eliminate-toxins-and-heavy-metals-2/).
Causing controversy is typical for this site. Their book outlines how, although peoples health can be affected at any time in life, when older people are afflicted diminishing health is usually dismissed as a natural" consequence of aging.
The book asserts that because people in parts of the world, whose bodies have higher levels of purity, lead robust healthy lives retaining their mental clarity even into their 90s and beyond, that none of these problems need to be an accepted part of modern life.
It goes on to discuss how diseases are symptoms, indicators, of something deeper going on and asserts that inflammation is a result, not a root cause. It outlines how inflammation becomes chronic when there is a persistent toxic irritation which continues for a prolonged duration.
In the words of Thomas Jefferson, School teaches all of the branches, but none of the roots.
Below is a sample, which neatly exemplifies the controversial element:
It is possible to reset the bodys self-healing mechanism and there are solutions that are not discussed when medications are dispensed. Retailers who profit from marketing symptom-relief remedies might be upset because the book addresses underlying causes, which would make symptom-relief eventually unnecessary.
The book reminds readers that, Chronic diseases disappear because healthy bodies dont have diseases.
A spokesperson for Linda's House of Healthy Choices, Linda Lamme, says they never set out to intentionally upset anybody, of course. Their aim is, first and foremost, to tell their readers what most other news sources ignore. Their duty is to their readers so it is critical that they stay dedicated to their true voice.
This engaging new book, Unload Toxic Overload, The Easy Way, breaks down the latest science-based information in an easy-to-understand and succinct manner, which they offer to enable people to restore their health.
Their goal is to assist people to become, as they aimiably put it, "Peppy and Trimly Fit and to help people realize they can then expect to reap all the benefits of vitality and wellbeing that are simply characteristic of healthy bodies.
Linda's House of Healthy Choices's book can be found here:
[Unload Toxic Overload, The Easy Way](http://lindalamme.com/easiest-way-to-eliminate-toxins-and-heavy-metals-2/)