Sensation: God Almighty Advocate helps to Russia, Ukraine to do good relations

You can read sensational data about: Russia, Ukraine; Edward Snowden; good PR for elections results in USA, UK! REAL NEWS! GUIDES do real research, real job to prevent conflicts, to help to make good relations in all countries, among all countries. Also: THE GOD ALMIGHTY ADVOCATE will appear on the screens and in reality to improve relations in the world and to make good life quality in society.

You can read the news why Ukraine gave Crimea to Russia. Ukraine received instruction from the special organization to give Crimea easily to Russia. Russian Federation received information: you can take Crimea without war. You could see that from Ukraine just talking about Crimea, but they didn't do anything when Russia organized referendum in Crimea etc. What for Ukraine easily gave Crimea to Russia? The conflict structures, who prepare big conflicts since second big war have there networks on different posts in different countries: they use the Crimea to make sanctions to Russia, they direct other countries to make sanctions. Conflict structures use sanctions to make less indicators for Russia, for Ukraine, for USA, for Europe etc., because they use additional program work: conflict structures expose that countries are in bad relations: it changes their indicators. All countries should make good relations, then it will make more good indicators for all countries. More information you can read also on the web site (good kind communications), . Also information: you know that Crimea was in Russia? The contract with Turkey (Crimea before was in Turkey, but contract with Turkey was that Crimea is in Russia) say that Crimea can be in Russia (but when Russia, Ukraine were in Soviet Union, Russia gave Crimea to Ukraine, because Ukraine was with Russia, but Ukraine don't want Soviet Union decisions, also contract with Turkey say that Crimea must be in Russia, so Russia just took the Crimea, because Crimea even according documents must be in Russia).

THE GOD ALMIGHTY ADVOCATE will appear for making good world both: on the screens, in reality to improve relations in the world and to make good life quality in society. It is possible that soon on TV screens and in cinemas there will appear the movie and the TV series 'The God Almighty Advocate', which will help to improve relations in the society and to make good the population life quality. This will turn for the benefit for public development all the programs efficiently, which historically have been presented in different sources casually and not casually in movie industry and in other mass media means. The approximate script will be announced soon. The idea from the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) is that directors, writers, and actors from many well-known movies will announce the key findings and their movies meaning , or the lessons, that need to be understood from the complicated scripts to prevent mistakes in reality and to solve problems faster, improving, creating as a result the good relations in society, and making good the population life quality and to make good situations in the society; actors will be able to suggest addition good ideas, it will be able by joint efforts to provide for the audience a good direction, which they can suggest and optimize with the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES). The leading role in different series will belong to the creator General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES), Anatoliy Golod, plus the popular personalities for the audience, who would like to help to make good relations and good situation in the society. It is possible to have a print version in Your newspaper, magazine or electronic mass media (contact details in this letter and on the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) website).

The world is reading news remake: the news, which has done result in USA Elections (you can easy find this news in search engines): "Who is managing Mrs. Hillary Clinton? Reposting this news you can help to improve the world". Also many links, for example: (good kind communications); (WORLDWIDE NEWS. DOING REPOST, IMPROVING THE WORLD! WHO IS MANAGING MR. EMMANUEL MACRON? WHO IS MANAGING MRS. HILLARY CLINTON?) ; ; ; (RUSSIA IS GOING TO MANAGE USA, UK TO MAKE GOOD WORLD? RUSSIA HELPS TO PREVENT TERRORISM IN USA) etc... RUSSIA CREATES WORLDWIDE SUPPORT. For making good relations, good situations in the world General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service created in Russian Federation (GUIDES, General director, creator: Anatoliy Golod, Ph.D.). It accumulates informational resources from the all world security services who want to make good situations in the world. Everybody should know that to make good situations in society there must be the real purpose, real reason for politicians, businessmen, for society, for all people. For more information, please, call to GUIDES, to Anatoliy Golod (General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service). But also is information that bad structures make problems to GUIDES director in contacts in phone calls, in work contacts. So, if you can help to make good contacts with journalists, politicians, economists, public, to make good contacts: it is actual for additional big good job.

General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) creator, Anatoliy Golod, formulated the GOOD UNIVERSAL IDEA DEVELOPMENT EVERY SOCIETY (GUIDES), which helps to form the well known priority the good relations among all people, all peoples: improving yourself (leading a healthy lifestyle) and making good relations with others, being better to the environment; as a result, the ecosystem, the society, You, Your friends circle are getting better; and everything will get better together; and if it will be better, then you can much faster and better significantly improve yourself, your friends, to make good world around, improving, making good the life quality at all levels. The additional considerable improvement the situation in Russia and in the world requires the support from the central mass media: the journalists can easily prepare a reportage, to invite the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service founder to speak at a TV in order to communication the sensational news to the audience and to help to improve the mood for the society.

Very momentous news for journalists, politicians, society. You can use the news for your work, also it will be good, if you will recommend this news to your friends, to journalists, to politicians, it can really improve the world, when we work together. Thank you.

plus seven (four, nine, five) seven, six, zero, four, nine, one, eight. (MTS: communication operator, Russia)
plus seven (nine, eight, five) seven, six, zero, four, nine, one, eight. (MTS: communication operator, Russia)
plus seven (nine, six, five) three, one, eight, eight, five, four, six. (Beeline: communication operator, Russia)
plus seven (nine, zero, three) one, six, two, one, zero, three, four. (Beeline: communication operator, Russia)

*All symbols, all numbers can help to make good connections, good communications for good relations, for good results, for to solve casual problems, to improve situations. It is momentous to make good connection, the communications must always work good. You also can call to the communication operator to improve connection.

Also read super news about good ways for good relations between Russia, Ukraine; about Snowden's information; about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton; about Apple, IBM etc. IT IS ACTUAL TO READ MORE THESE NEWS IN BIG NEWS VERSIONS. good kind communications.

"Sensation: eights will sign peace on the Earth. Russia improves the world":

Russian version: "Good prognosis succeed. Eights will sign peace on the Earth":

Contact information:
Anatoliy Golod
General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Phone: +7(495)7604918

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