Spring marks the beginning of flu season. Awesome Wipes, smartphone cleaner [disinfectant wipes](http://awesomewipes.com) brand, advises the public to be armed with protection against flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported low overall influenza levels in the United States during December, but it expects activity to increase going forward.
Flu season once again and the risks to contracting this virus is definitely real, said Andrew Reid, founder of Awesome Wipes. Reid added, the public needs to take the risk seriously as this virus spreads easier and faster than expected.
The flu is caused by the influenza virus, which can be spread through coughing, sneezing, and the spread of mucus. It can also be spread by touching a surface or object that has flu virus then touching ones nose or mouth. One of which is the use of smartphones and office gadgets.
The team at Awesome Wipes have gathered reports of an increased number of infected patients over the past years through contamination via smartphone and office gadgets use, said Campbell. Since most of these devices are shared by multiple people in an office, it is inevitable that one infected person can contaminate 5 or more of his officemate. This is where protection and precaution should be done, added by Campbell.
Medical experts advice that those who are already infected be keen in preventing the spread of the virus. Practice basic etiquette when sneezing or coughing and cover the mouth with a handkerchief. If using bare hands, infected patient should disinfect first before touching anything.
Another way to prevent catching flu is to strengthen ones immune system. Adding more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C to ones daily diet can significantly help in improving the immune system. Healthy diet, exercise, and living a healthy lifestyle is always the best way to prevent any form of health risk, added by Campbell.
Campbell also encouraged the public to make cleaning a habit. Cleaning can significantly cuts down the chances of bacteria and germs to breed. Clean and disinfect the office or home to ensure safety, said Campbell.
He also added that the public should start investing in the right cleaning tools. Like for example, in cleaning laptop screens and tablets, dont use an ordinary cotton cloth. Use a [screen cleaning wipes](http://a.co/6JRZflH) as these are made especially for these gadgets and be able to disinfect them without harming the inner workings of it, said Campbell. Using the wrong cleaning materials can do more harm than good Campbell added.