Holly Springs-based landscaping company [RB Landscaping](http://rblandscapingcompany.com) has been stepping up to meet a rapidly growing demand in the Raleigh area: treehouses. With homeowners inspired by any one of several television shows featuring treehouses, the idea has definitely caught on in the RDU area. The company has seen a steady increase in the number of people bringing childhood dreams to life in their back yard and bringing out the kid in everyone.
RB Landscaping owners, Rob and Rebecca, explain that treehouses arent just for kids anymore. Rebecca says, theyre for kids that want to sleep out under the stars, as well as moms and dads that just want to get away from it all. A treehouse is a personal sanctuary where a kid can just be kid, and where adults can remember what its like to be one, too. Theyre a safe place where its OK to let one's imagination run wild and just have fun. She says that some people like to keep them simple and rustic, while others outfit their treehouse like a home away from home, with amenities such as air conditioning and running water, and sometimes even refrigerators and televisions.
A far cry from the rickety structures people might have once cobbled together in their backyards from lumber scraps, these modern treehouses have safety as a core component of the design. They arent usually actually attached to the tree so that the tree itself can continue to grow either in or next to the treehouse without risking the integrity of the structure. Instead, the treehouse is often anchored into the ground with either six-inch or eight-inch posts with cement footers so people get the natural feeling of the tree with an overall design engineered for safety. They include safety features like railings, guards, gates and more, in order to provide the right level of protection for the particular design and intended use.
Options for a treehouse by RB Landscaping are limited only by the imagination. Some are even designed like log cabins, and they may feature hardwood floors. They dont have to be that fancy, though. In fact, some people prefer to keep a simpler design that hearkens to their younger years.
Treehouses provide a place where people can put convention aside, let their imaginations run wild, and just have fun for a while, and who wouldnt want that?