Serpilfy Automated SEO Geo-Targeted Optimization Indexing Software Launched

Help My Local Business, a Mesquite, Texas digital marketing company, announces the launch of Serplify, a cloud-based automatic web development and SEO content generation and optimization software.

More information is available at [](

The importance of having a competitive, search engine-responsive website has grown considerably over the past years, as more and more people turn to the internet for products and services. Recent reports show that more than 90% of all clients have used online reviews and search engines to find both online and offline businesses, thus making online visibility crucial for overall business success.

Google optimization is one of the most important aspects of general online marketing, as it is through Google that most people find information on products and services. Traffic studies show that more than two thirds of all keyword-specific traffic go to the top three search results, with more than 95% going to the first results page.

Recent Google ranking algorithm updates have increased the importance of local SEO and keyword relevance, as local and mobile searches now account for the majority of all Google searches.

Serplify is a new software helping website owners automatically create keyword-relevant content and build optimized webpages for their products and services.

The cloud-based software works by allowing users to insert their domain names, desired locations and keywords, and then proceeding to create unique keyword-optimized content for those specific keywords.

Serplify provides full website geographical optimization and automatic indexing for the resulting websites, thus contributing to increased Google ranking and improved online visibility.

The software allows its users to select multiple locations that they want targeted, as well as to schedule automated content posting for improved content optimization. Serplify also scans the internet for relevant image and video content, thus helping website owners choose the most appropriate media content for their website.

Serplify is currently priced at $57 for the standard version and $67 for the premium plan.

Interested parties can find more information by visiting [](

  • Issue by:Shane Rutledge Help My Local Business
  • Web:
  • Street:900 Buckeye Dr
  • City:Mesquite
  • Country/region:United States
  • Zip:75181
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