Did you think what data Snowden gave to society? The fact, that CIA talks bad about Snowden, is just usual perfomance to do so, that public think that he has robbed their data (in fact, Snowden just gave information, what CIA need to give). What was new? Security services do their work so, that they are listening people's talking about? You know, that many terror attacks are prevented, because security services are listening many people. But we know that listening people it is normal job for security services, if they do it for the purpose to help for people's defense. What is really necessary to take attention is that security services must use their methods really for defense purposes. So, if divisions in different countries use data for bad purposes: that's really what also necessary to prevent. But CIA just use Snowden to say to people: they can listening everybody. It is popular method to do more channels for listening more people (*in the film "Snowden" they even say that they can turn off technics in other countries: that's because they want to make it more real when people know it. But really what is necessary to know is that all it can be used for good purposes, so good security services in Russia, in all countries know these methods, it is possible use it for defense, for good technics work etc., we need mass media help, but CIA is not sponsor for this information, they pay to popularize Snowden for other purposes. So, journalists, politicians, all people can help to make more good mind, to discuss more good opportunities, it will help to make good results for society; you can publish this news or link in social media, in mass media, etc.). How Snowden took many data in CIA? Or he was the only man in CIA, who CIA didn't monitor, so that he was able to give their many data to American journalists, to Chinese journalists, to Russian journalists? You can see that for his route he needed CIA's help. But even in CIA not many specialists know how they use Edward Snowden. You can read it in this news. You can read more on good GUIDES web site ( www.super-dobro.com good kind communications), you can know more when you call to good GUIDES (General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service).
RUSSIA KNOWS CIA SCHEMES. Do you know that real reason why Edward Snowden had come to Russia, to China was that CIA gave him the information to give it for Russia, for China, for other countries (in Assange story the secret is that he also works with CIA: that's why he had their secret data. But in Assange story is a percent that CIA gave him information so, that he thought that he works with his informers. What for? CIA (correctly writing: their few divisions, which make not CIA job, but divisions which organize conflicts in many countries, including the USA: you can see that even when Trump just starting job on President's post, but few departments make conflicts just because they want or because they get money from conflict organizations), they use it in program work to change politics in Russia, USA, England, Europe, etc., but this methodics know special services in every countrie, so few CIA divisions also works for the order from structures, which use them also). CIA also sponsored popularization the Edward Snowden`s story in the mass media. What for? They use a methodology that the situations in objects depend on their activity, but also the situations depend on the information about objects in informational channels. Every channel has different prestige. And CIA wants to demonstrate that it knows much about many people when they do information that they perform many people telephone tapping in many countries. And they want to write any information in special program systems about many different levels people. The American CIA planned in advance a usage such methodology to change health, decisions and situations for different people, top level politicians, journalists in different countries (that's why Angela Merkel and other politicians make sanctions even if they are talking about the necessary to make good relations with the Russian Federation; they changed plans because CIA made special programmable commands as an addition to their negotiations). You have to know that if organization do a scheme for the bad result, then it will get less their prestige because all people know that bad schemes must not (impossible) to do. The good prestige can have good informational, social and economic activities for good results in society, that's why the Russian well oriented organizations, security services and well oriented good organizations, security services in all countries who want to make good situations in the world can take the good prestige. It is necessary mass media attention: because it is necessary to orient all people that all data can be direct for good results. RUSSIA CREATES WORLDWIDE SUPPORT. For making good relations, good situations in the world General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service created in Russian Federation (GUIDES, General director, creator: Anatoliy Golod, has diploma with honors, Ph.D.). It accumulates informational resources from the all world security services who want to make good situations in the world. Everybody should know that to make good situations in society there must be the real purpose, real reason for politicians, businessmen, for society, for all people.
What is really actual for all countries to make good economics: it is necessary take attention to do all telephone calls will come to addressees; because bad structures have big network in all countries for blocking advertising calls to many companies, bad structures use it to change economic, social activities, to control mass media (mass media need success, calls for advertisers, then advertisers can pay more for good advertising); so, if take attention, it is possible to do all telephone calls will come very good, it will make good social, economic results for people, for many companies, for mass media in all countries.
Mass media also find that General Information Defense Excellent Service GUIDES from Russia also creatively is named Central Intelligence Universe (Universal) Agency, Cyber Bios, because GUIDES can accumulate all security services resources to help to direct it for making good relations in the world, journalists also think: what if help in good result for elections in USA is special operation from real big big Intelligence Intelligence Agency for preventing conflicts in future, it is well known that for real big job can do it looking like usually, but doing much; versions are different, including Presidential status General director from GUIDES for big systems: creative versions can be different, good job is real. But also is information that bad structures make problems to GUIDES director in contacts in phone calls, in work contacts, so if you can help to make good contacts with journalists, politicians, economists, public, it is actual for additional big good job.
Journalists have found the information how Russian GUIDES have managed for good result in USA elections. The GUIDES sent information for elections result few months before elections, few days before elections, even few days after elections message was sent to senators, journalists in all states (that electors have confirmed good result). Super news "Who is managing Mrs.Hillary Clinton?" was read around the world. This message includes real information, it can help to many people, because Hillary Clinton was going just to do politics for conflict structures (you know it even from her previous politics), but good chances that Donald Trump is going to do good relations with different countries (it is always necessary to find good decisions, but obviously, that he is going to make more good politics for many countries). List with publications samples you can find on the web site (superdobro.com kind communications) before signature. The news from GUIDES also published on many news sites, also we send it to many thousands people in USA government organizations, to senators in all states, to Congress; you know that many electors are from them or talk with them also, the message also was sent to public, to many thousands correspondents, management in ABC, NBC Universal, CNN, FOX News, BBC News, AP etc., to many correspondents in different States, it helped to make more good relations in mass media in different states for Donald Trump. Also was campaign in special program systems that Donald Trump with Anatoliy Golod have got government contract from The God Almighty to build Paradise in the world, that is very attractive for audience. Anatoliy Golod suggest good cycles theory (cycles can always have good plus very good positions). Good cycles theory can make good health, good politics, good technologies, it can recieve Nobel Prize.
"Sensation: eights will sign peace on the Earth. Russia improves the world". https://www.prbuzz.com/politics-a-public-affairs/384857
Russian version: "Good prognosis succed. Eights will sign peace on the Earth": http://www.pronline.ru/Khoroshiie-priedskazaniia-sbyvaiutsia-Pridiet-vosmoi-i-podpishiet-MIR-na-Ziemlie.html
Contact information:
Anatoliy Golod
General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Phone: +7(495)7604918
Email: anatoliygolod@superdobro.com
Website: http://www.super-dobro.com/