Ignite , a renowned software outsourcing and mobile app development company, is eager to report that their initiative - Javascript Competence Center - was a huge success. 37 talented IT students have completed the 3-months summer JavaScript Courses. 10 students, who demonstrated the best results, became the company’s interns and are currently working on company’s real projects. Right after that, they will be invited to join the team of Ignite’s front-end developers.
It is to be recalled that at the beginning of summer 2016, the founder and CEO of Ignite, Aviram Eisenberg, who considers the Ukrainians a “new Startup Nation”, announced the launch of advanced JavaScript courses for those IT students, who had the desire to become qualified front-end developers. The courses were absolutely free and were held in one of the offices of the company in Kyiv.
After 3 months of intensive studies, Ignite got new talented Front-end developers, who are now working as interns on real company projects. They are currently supervised by the professional JavaScript developers, who have been working for Ignite for several years and possess the required experience and knowledge in the niche. Such supervision is needed to improve the skills of the interns and help the newbies start their IT career.
About Ignite:
Ignite is an international offshore outsourcing company, which has its main office in Israel. Other offices of the company are found in Germany and Austria, but it also has one R&D center in Romania and four R&D offices in Ukraine. The company specializes in the development of mobile applications , games, Fintech software, automotive software, cloud and SAAS etc. Ignite has already conducted many successful and cost-efficient projects. The founder and owner of the company is Aviram Eisenberg.
Contact Info:
Aviram Eisenberg, CEO
Address Head Office: 8 Hamelacha St, POB 8261, 42505 Netanya, Israel
Tel: +972-72-2116605
Fax: +972-72-2116602
E-mail: info@igniteoutsourcing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/igniteoutsourcing/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/igniteoffshore
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+IgniteOutsourcingSoftware
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/220786
Website: http://igniteoutsourcing.com/