A new minimally invasive spine surgery practice has launched run by board certified orthopedic surgeon Dr Robert Fink, one of only three orthopedic surgeons in Chicago that performs minimally invasive spine surgery for lumbar spinal fusions and herniated discs. Called Gold Coast Orthopedic Spine and Hand Surgery, it was created in order to offer patients the best surgery for the problems that are plaguing them.
More information can be found on the Gold Coast Orthopedic Surgery website at: http://goldcoastorthopaedic.com.
Visitors to the site can discover that Robert Fink has been an orthopedic surgeon for over 30 years. In his new location, he offers band aid back surgery and accepts Medicare services for these procedures. This non invasive back surgery procedure is so fine that patients can leave the outpatient surgical center with only a band aid or one stitch, after the procedure is completed.
This band aid back surgery procedure is offered as a way to take out herniated, bulging, extruding and extruded discs. In addition to this, it can also be used as a method to treat fractures in the back.
Potential patients at the Gold Coast Orthopedic-Spine and Hand Surgery practice can visit the website to find out how the procedures are carried out in an outpatient surgical setting, with no destabilisation of the spine by detaching spine muscles with a cut, unlike traditional open back surgery.
Dr Robert Fink has released new videos to coincide with the new surgery launch. The videos cover each aspect of his practice, going into particular detail over the spinal surgery elements he offers to those suffering from back pain.
During one of the video interviews, Robert Fink says that herniated disks and the treatment of them are the main reason patients would come to the practice. In the video he explains that symptoms for a herniated disk include pain in the back, which often travels down to the buttocks and legs, including weakness in the legs and incapacitating pain in the legs.
He goes on to explain that: "With our technique, people come into the surgical center, we make a small incision in the operating room, often with just sedation anaesthesia we're able to go to the disk without disturbing very much of the other anatomy."
The introduction video can be found on YouTube at: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-VdympiHFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2haVFEvOXlc).
Local residents can find out more about Dr Fink and his practice by getting in touch using the contact form provided on the site. Further details on non invasive back surgery are available here: [http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/](http://spine-health.com)