A new self improvement confidence boosting course has launched allowing people to discover new ways to change their lives and overcome problems that leave them feeling down, depressed, or unenthusiastic about the direction of their life. Called the I Exist Program, it shows participants how they can create the future they desire through the power of positive thinking.
More information can be found on Ximena Velasquez's website at: http://ximenavelasquez.net/i-exist-program.
The site explains that the program can help participants to overcome past traumas and take back the power to live their life as an independent, unique person, focusing on their deepest desires. The name I Exist comes from that goal to celebrate individuality and bring out the confidence and self belief in every individual.
It goes on to underscore that it is too easy for people to look in the mirror and dislike what they see. The site explains that for these people, the reflection staring back at them is full of faults, failures, and embarrassment.
The I Exist Program site highlights the harmful nature of this line of thought, and showcases the methods participants can use to break away from this thinking and celebrate their individuality and goals.
The program begins with a series of questions that can help to focus in on and release negative energy that builds up over time. The questions it suggests include "Is it time to learn to love you?" and others like "Are you ready to feel safe?"
In answering these questions, the site says, participants are taking the first step to taking back control and changing their life for the better. It goes on to say that many people live their lives giving away personal power, but through letting go of old programming, past traumas and unrequited oaths, those same people can start to regain the power they've lost.
The I Exist Program site shows each participant how to regain their power by first accepting its loss, then unlocking their unique inspiration and enthusiasm for life. After that, the participant can develop their own personal gifts and shed their past anxieties.
Interested parties looking to find out more about the program can get in touch using the contact form provided on site