Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Online Marketer Dan Crider is launching his brand new book, "Getting to Why. The book is set to go live August 1, available at MarketingBooksbyDan.com and Amazon.com and is expected to become a big hit in the world of Entrepreneurs and Local Biz Decision Makers.
More information on the book can be found here: http://marketingbooksbydan.com/
This is the tenth book Crider has released. The book was written with the aim of encouraging the reader to begin the journey of self-discovery and awareness about the underlying motivational "push" in their lives. There's also particular excitement about this launch because so many business professionals drift through their business existence without realizing their potential for greatness. This book offers a first step in that direction.
"Getting to Why" sets its main focus on finding a bigger purpose. Readers will likely find a particular interest in discovering that life can be lived at a much higher and more rewarding level. The book's cover art was created by the author and "Getting to Why" is being released by Wealth Net llc.
Dan Crider has a background in starting, managing and growing local businesses using some hard won marketing skills. This helped shaped the creation of the book by discovering the "why" in his own life and enjoying a personal feeling of accomplishment..
When asked about why he wrote the book, Crider said: I wanted to share some thoughts with a couple of clients and the book just grew out of that endeavor.
Crider has hopes that the book will encourage others to find their purpose and their big why, and in so doing will be launched to greater successes. This positive outlook from the author is certainly testament to his optimism considering some of the mishaps during its creation. At one point the author reworked the cover design because he decided to put the book in a series of four other titles and he wanted them to have a uniform appearance. This consequently delayed the release.
In a recent interview, the author made a point of thanking everyone in his leads group for their input which was sometimes unintentional but always appreciated. Special acknowledgement was given to the younger generation: My grandson unknowingly contributed a great amount of wisdom by going through the struggles of kindergarten and understanding what was important to him.
Those interested in learning more about the book can visit here: http://marketingbooksbydan.com/