Personal Growth & Business Training With Horses Certification Program Launched

Equine Alchemy, an organization specializing in equine assisted coaching and leadership development is offering updated training with horses programs, for individuals with a personal and life coaching option, and a business development and leadership option for business teams and executives. More information and details about the various coaching programs can be found on the website:

Equine Alchemy's course offer includes two key programs; the Equine Assisted Coach Certification Program where students become a Master Equine Assisted Coach and Facilitator; and Conscious Business Development, for participants wanting to develop their own transformational service business. In addition, there is an Alchemy of Leadership Experience Program designed to equip businesses with updated leadership methods.

The Equine Assisted Coach Certification Program is likened to a graduate degree in personal coaching integrated with equine facilitation. It combines the individual and group coaching skills of the International Coaching Federation standards with facilitated equine guided learning via a group process and then knowing how to integrate both of these skills into a seamless and transformational experience for clients.

The company describes the Equine Assisted Coach Certification as €œthe most deepest and transformative€ learning for individuals seeking accredited coaching and facilitation training, in order to: build a professional career in the field of personal and professional transformation, break free of their own self-imposed limitations, and use the 'herd' for support and guidance. It now comes with a free program guide, available from the website.

The Conscious Business Development Program provides support and business training based on the attendee's current needs, goals and budget, with Equine Alchemy now providing a free coaching/consulting assessment in order to tailor the training. Designed for those interested in running their own transformational service business, individuals can expect to obtain the following from the course: a unique business blueprint for moving forward, the ability to attract the most relevant clients, and an alignment of skills and talents with the value being offered.

As explained by Equine Alchemy as follows, €œDefine the soul of your brand and your signature service and connect to the heart of your clients€. In addition, Equine Alchemy are soon to introduce another component to the Conscious Business Development Program, the Conscious Creation Coaching Lab. Information will be posted to the website as it becomes available.

For leaders and organizations, Equine Alchemy provides an additional program, The Alchemy of Conscious Leadership, with what it describes as a €œ21st Century team and leadership breakthrough€, designed to equip attendees with: a €œnon-predatory€ approach to social intelligence, leadership and innovation; the skill of turning difficult conversations into trust-building opportunities; and the skill of engaging €œemotional heroism€, combing compassion with power in challenging situations.

Partnering with horses is a key component of all Equine Alchemy programs. Participants learn important aspects of communication and behaviour when working with horses, such as: clear communication with intent; reciprocating trust and engagement; learning to sense energy and non-verbal cues; receiving immediate and unbiased feedback; learning to read unspoken moods and concerns of others in response to body language; using emotions as information; increasing sensitivity to the needs of others; setting mutually respectful boundaries to foste relationships; balancing reason with intuition; and recognizing and moving beyond limiting behavior and thought patterns to achieve optimal performance.

  • Issue by:Schelli Whitehouse Equine Alchemy
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  • City:Stone Ridge
  • Country/region:USA
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