Australian, home sewing, machine embroidery and quilting enthusiast Geraldine Gillen has launched an online members' section on her Geraldine's Academy website, dedicated to assisting other enthusiasts with machine embroidery tips and tricks.
More information and contact details can be found on the website:
Geraldine's Academy, established by Geraldine Gillen just over 18 months ago to offer advice and learnings of machine embroidery and quilting from one home enthusiast to others, has just launched a members' only area on the website, known as the Inner Circle, or The Studio. Members of The Studio will receive instructions, workbooks, videos and so on, on a regular basis.
The Geraldine's Academy website has existing subscribers that receive free embroidery designs. The Studio will also be a closed group, but will operate on a paid monthly membership basis, and for those previously subscribed, they merely login in and are able to purchase their Inner Circle membership. Founding members of The Studio (Inner Circle) will remain on a locked in price for the duration of their membership and will be able to provide Geraldine with membership feedback.
Access to The Studio provides membership benefits of ongoing training, a monthly set of new instructions and technique demonstrations for creating unique projects, videos demonstrating the techniques to help members master them and gain an artistic edge, and special pricing on all of Geraldine's products as they're released.
Topics covered will include: machine embroidery, applique, quilting in the hoop, quilting designs, software training, how to's on the machine, questions and answers, projects, digital cutters and others depending on members' suggestions and feedback.
Geraldine specialises in the use of Janome sewing machines and her designs such as the recently released Heavenly Scent quilt, complete with design set and workbooks available from the website, are particularly suited to the Janome MC12000 and MC15000 embroidery machine models.
All designs are created and digitised by by Geraldine, and the workbooks are available on CD and come in PDF format, explained with easy to follow instructions. Membership to the newly launched Inner Circle can be subscribed to via the website using PayPal. Although listed in US dollars, PayPal converts it to local currency based on members' locations. Membership also allows subscribers access to a closed Facebook group by Geraldine's Academy.