Earlier today, Emery EPS announced the beginning of its new internet marketing service, which has been in development since 2013 with private offerings for web design and SEO. According to Emery EPS, online marketing has dramatically changed in the past 2 years and the requirements are not being met by the existing SEO and internet marketing agencies in Portland, Oregon. Many websites on page 1 in Google and Bing for local search are under-optimized and will soon be replaced by competitor sites that are properly optimized. This is the perfect opportunity for small-to-medium sized businesses to invest in online growth and see significant changes in a matter of months.
Currently Emery EPS is offering a free website technical and search engine optimization review at https://www.emeryeps.com. This service is usually priced at $50. This is a good resource for business owners and marketing managers to identify the issues potentially preventing websites from ranking on the first page of Google and Bing. It will also help website owners who currently rank well to identify the reasons why an SEO ranking position might dramatically change in the near future if they do not make optimization updates.
The founder, Michael Emery, says: "Emery EPS is doing something new with this internet marketing service. Anyone familiar with the internet marketing, website design and search engine optimization (SEO) market might have noticed how SEO managers are still doing the same stuff average marketers were doing 5-10 years ago. This is building average-to-low quality backlinks from web 2.0 properties, writing articles and placing comments on blogs. These efforts now result in diminishing returns. Most clients are being charged a lot of money with very little growth and the perpetual promise that "next month will be different, the website is on page 2 or 3 and with luck it will be on page 1 soon... just stick with it another month." In the meantime, the SEO agencies are throwing backlinks at under-optimized websites that are slow and in many cases not even responsive for mobile users. This is a problem because some businesses with a decent online presence are going to get wiped out, because the competitors who are working with a competent and up-to-date SEO team are going to replace them."
Emery EPS states its team is paying close attention to internet marketing trends and the latest developments in SEO. According to them, from the big picture perspective, not too much has changed in SEO, it is just that the main search engines (Google and Bing) are becoming more exact in the expectations they are setting for the websites that merit being displayed on the first page. And, very few websites initially met these standards to begin with... If a website is not on page 1 in Google, it almost doesn't count because even position 10 - the last search result on the first page of Google - only receives around 2% of the overall traffic for a given search term. In a local market like the Portland Metro area, if a business has 100 targeted prospects each month searching for relevant products or services and the website is in position 10, this site might receive 2 organic website visitors per month. Most businesses can't operate with such little visibility. The online marketing agency, Emery EPS, is a champion of the small-to-medium sized local businesses in Oregon. "A business has to get exposure and movement or it will eventually close its doors. Emery EPS can help a business stay open - and more importantly - to grow by placing it in front of the potential customers already searching for a specific solution" says Emery EPS founder, Michael Emery.
He continued "Emery EPS wants to give its customers a calm sense of being important and the factual evidence that internet marketing is working to drive more potential customers to a client website. This new internet marketing service in Portland, creates a fresh new possibility for many small-to-medium sized businesses focusing upon local, national and even international markets. Trying something new is always a risk, but it's a risk every business eventually has to take. For starters, simply try out the free website evaluation on the Emery EPS site and begin exploring possibilities."
Emery EPS is currently accepting new customers. To find out more about the Emery EPS internet marketing services and Portland SEO visit https://www.emeryeps.com/portland-seo/.