We remmember popular question "Who is Mr.Putin?".
But today the most popular question will be "Who is managing Mrs.Clinton?" There is even the information that quite possible that Hillary Clinton was recieving directions from behaviour structures when she met Bill Clinton. Read sensation in this press release. The information can improve world politics!
Bill Clinton was rather perspective and behavior structures just planned in advance a girl for knowing about him, to direct him in different questions. It could be not bad and not good but sometimes problem structures use it to direct them, because girls like Hillary Clinton don't want that their boyfriends like Bill Clinton, know that she was recieving instructions what to do in their private relations.
Do you know that American politicians who talks to do bad relations with Russia, they just work for the order from a few military commercial firms, which just have high technology to manage people's behavior, but they do bad relations, because they just need to get orders for the weapons. But for these purposes they make the programms to manage politicians behavior especially. Their programs base in a few directions: problem structures pay to thousands usual and high level people in every city in all countries for they do the special reactions during work and personal communications: so, they do the statistics for special systems, which analizing behavior and which help to decide what behavior will be for other many people around them. Also problem structures use people with directions in talkings for managing their friends or casual people (very popular that they use directions even in intimacy communications both: for men, for women: that's also why so many girls alone with children: problem structures sometimes tell to do so to their boyfriends, but sometimes they tell to girls to do things that the problem structures know that their boyfriends individually don't like it, that's also why they go away sometimes). So, knowing that and discuss it in mass media we can direct all these networks for good relations, because usually they don't know what for they get directions, so, if it will be known, many people will make more good relations and it will be also good for their friends and for many casual people. But there is even the information that quite possible that Hillary Clinton was recieving directions from behaviour structures when she met Bill Clinton. Bill was rather perspective, and behavior structures just planned in advance a girl for knowing about him, to direct him in different questions. But, after the Monica story they can to do the step to help many people to make good relations. Because if Hillary will continue bad politics, then she will work against her people interests. But she can help to make good relations with Russia, with other countries too. But, you know what is real purpose from the american problem structures when they manage american politicians to do problems in different regions? It is not for strong countrie. It is just for doing problems in different regions, but also problem structures want to do bad relations to USA from different regions and they use methodic that bad relations from different countries do bad health for many people in USA too. But in perspective problem structres plan to do very big problems for America too (but it is possible just because USA do problems in different countries). So, USA should help to make good relations with Russia, with other countries, then both: the usual and programming work will help to make good situations for all countries. Journalists, politicians from Russia, USA or other countries, or their representatives can talk with General Universal Information Defense Exellent Service (GUIDES, created to make good situations in the world) for more information (phone number +7(495)7604918), for optimal good results for all people. More contacts, more information (Russian, English, German languages) you can read in GUIDES news.
Russian Federation creates worldwide support to make good relations in the world. But real reason why Edward Snowden had come to Russia, to China was that CIA gave him the information to give it for Russia, for China, for other countries. What for? Every channel has different prestige. And CIA wants to demonstrate that it knows much about many people when they make information that they perform many people telephone-tapping in many countries. And they want to write any information in special program systems about many different levels people. The American CIA planned to use such methodology to change health, decisions and situations for different people, top-level politicians, journalists in the USA, in all countries too (that's why Angela Merkel and other politicians make sanctions even if they are talking about the necessary to make good relations with Russia; they changed plans because CIA made special programmable commands). You have to know that if the organization makes a scheme for the bad result, then it will get less their prestige because all people know that bad schemes must not (impossible) to do.
The good prestige can have good informational, social, economic activities for good results in society, that's why the Russian well-oriented organizations, security services and their well-oriented partners in all countries who want to make good situations in the world can take the good prestige.
To make good relations and good situations in society in the world, the GENERAL UNIVERSAL INFORMATION DEFENSE EXCELLENT SERVICE (GUIDES) (previous name General Informational Defends Service) was created in Russia. It accumulates informational resources from the all world security services who want to make good situations in the world. That's why it also names in mass media: the Central Intelligence Universe Agency (CIUA , "See I You Are": "I can see, You can see"; it is necessary to see each other, good communicate with each other to make good situations and good relations in society).
The General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) was created to make good relations and good situations in society in all countries, to make good situations worldwide. Anatoliy Golod (the Creator, the General Director), the age is 35 (birth date 08.08.1980), has a diploma with honors and a Ph.D. (Philosophy Doctor) title. The areas: a balance, development in the economy, creating the good ecology, good marketing, good healthcare lifestyles). You can call anytime to the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES), you can call to Anatoliy Golod. It can really create the good situations in society, when we talk and make good job together with journalists, politicians, other people. Our phone numbers: +7(495)7604918; +7(985)7604918; +7(965)3188546; +7(903)1621034. Read GUIDES news also on the web site: www.super-dobro.com (kind communications; "dobro" is translated "good, kind" from Russian language).
ADDITIONAL SENSATION NEWS READ ON THE WEB PAGES (BIG NEWS VERSION, INCLUDING "The God Almighty Advocate together with Good President will make good relations in the world"):
www.super-dobro.com ("dobro" is translated "good, kind")
Please Click the link to Read the Full Article: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5kyJEpCMZ-gdEZRYUpQRlBET3M/view?usp=sharing
For More Information Contact:
Anatoliy Golod, General Director
General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES)
Kirpichnaya 43
105187 Russian Federation, Moscow
Tel.: +7(495)7604918
E-Mail: anatoliygolod@superdobro.com