IM Traffic Facebook Masters Kevin Fahey Social Media Training Series Launched

A brand new Facebook marketing video training course, entitled IM Traffic: Facebook Masters Training, tailored to help beginners and seasoned marketers effectively leverage the potential of their Facebook marketing or advertising efforts, has been launched.

More information is available at

The IM Traffic: Facebook Masters Training course was developed by the prominent Facebook marketing expert Kevin Fahey to help other social media marketers & advertisers, e-commerce sellers and brick and mortar business owners become Facebook traffic and marketing experts quickly.

The newly launched Facebook marketing product is a 6 part video training course, for beginners or seasoned marketers looking to improve their Facebook marketing efforts, with multiple proven and professional methods or strategies employed by Kevin Fahey and his staff in their own business to manage and deliver results on their clients€™ Facebook advertising and marketing campaigns.

Featured in the 6 module course are over 22 training videos with more than 3 hours of content, including an €˜Introduction to Advertising€™, €˜Facebook Ads, Getting Started€™, €˜Facebook Power Editor€™, €˜Custom Settings & Reports€™, €˜List Building with Facebook€™ or €˜Facebook Targeting & Interests€™.

The IM Traffic: Facebook Masters Training€™ members area also includes multiple PDF downloads, mindmaps, proven ad formulas and other valuable resources along with a comprehensive €˜help area€™ with professional support, access to bonus training webinars along with Kevin Fahey€™s private Facebook group, and more.

Additional information on the IM Traffic: Facebook Masters Training course, its extensive three hours of content and screenshots of the results achieved with the methods and strategies detailed in the training course along with demo videos showcasing the member€™s area, and more, can be consulted on the website link provided above or at

The IM Traffic: Facebook Masters Training course developer, Kevin Fahey, explains that €œwith this brand new product, Facebook marketers will get everything they need to start seeing real results with their Facebook marketing efforts, even if they€™ve failed in the past. The IM Traffic: Facebook Masters Training is a powerful tool based on the strategies & methods we use in our own business to manage other companies€™ Facebook marketing campaigns with proven results€.

  • Issue by:James Peterson
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