Dent-Chew Brush LLC, inventors of the U.S patented Clean Bite system, a 25 most innovative consumer and retail brands winner, has con¬rmed that it has of¬cially opened a new equity funding round today geared towards global production, testing, and commercialization.
Clean Bite, the worlds most sophisticated and inexpensive single-use toothbrush, was developed by a former Army Medic who served in the US Army Reserves during the Vietnam era. It was his being assigned to work on an amputee ward that caused an acute awareness of how Clean Bite would bene¬t his patients. He now serves on the Advisory Board of the Philadelphia Veterans House, a registered non-pro¬t. His sister, a retired Admiral and Medical Flag Of¬cer is a Vietnam, Desert Shield, and Desert Storm veteran. On October 23rd, 2012, the United States Patent and Trademark Of¬ce issued patent number US8292624B2. Inspect:
[]( Within just 60 to 90 seconds, Clean Bite super-conveniently cleans the whole mouth including teeth, gums and tongue before the fully biodegradable material completely dissolves and can safely be swallowed providing 5 to 6 grams of protein. The action is similar to what happens when gelatin candy is eaten, except it is better for teeth. With an affordable price tag of between 23 and 25 cents (for US government sales), the gelatin product will come in a variety of ¬avors and sizes is ideal for use by a multitude of domestic populations including military personnel, and as well developing nations. It is the potential scope of the oral hygiene across a broad spectrum of industries such as; 31 million at risk children receiving meals at school, (7.7B meals/yr.), hospitals, care facilities, prisons, airlines, hospitality, disaster relief and multiple other consumer possibilities that may greatly appeal to investors. It can easily be adapted to seamlessly become a delivery mechanism for the combined $80.1 billion per year US vaccine industry.
On July 30th, 2013, Forbes named Dent-Chew Brush LLCs creation in its, CircleUp25 The 25 Most Innovative Consumer and Retail Brands. Inspect: [ /ryancaldbeck/2013/07/30/25-of-the-most-creative-consumer-and-retail-brands/ #312782d357ee]( This served as a major con¬dence booster for the team of 13 experts involved in the project since 2008, including four who earned Ph.D.s and a number of retired high-level C-suite executives. The company has enjoyed collaborating with Creighton University School of Dentistry and the University of Maryland Dental School . The future potential for rolling out multiple uses for Clean Bite is tremendous, asserted, John Gallagher, Managing Member, Dent-Chew Brush LLC. We are excited about worldwide licensing possibilities. Clean Bite looks like a regular mouthpiece until you experience the difference - before it disappears. This is a very special project that is close to my heart given my time attending Wounded Warriors.
17.5% of 5 to 19-year-olds in America and 27.4% of 20 to 44-year-old adults have tooth decay and cavities, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, C.D.C. Inspect: Clean Bite has close to 800 bristles that brush at a 45-degree angle, as recommended by the American Dental Association, A.D.A. It covers 2,400% more surface contact area than a traditional toothbrush to help children and adults combat dental caries.
Dent-Chew Brush LLC was established in 2008 to facilitate the development of the versatile award winning and US patented Clean Bite dental cleaning product. Visit:[]([](