[Cordel Cook](https://www.linkedin.com/in/cordelcook) has been recognized for helping multiple local businesses protect their brand and grow their positive online reviews, hands free.. This recognition is, in part, a result of Cook's work within the Digital Marketing arena, specifically work in helping countless businesses find solutions to their struggles of increasing their online reviews.
Cook, a native of Miami, FL, has been involved in the Digital Marketing world for 2 years, getting his start when he realized how difficult it was for local businesses to generate customers and sales form the internet. In response to a question on the driving force behind his success, Cook has explained how it really boiled down to his innate desire to see people succeed and help businesses thrive..
Reflecting on the recognition Cook is quoted as saying: "I can't stress enough to local business owners how important it is to establish a solid 5 star reputation online. I love the joy it brings when I can help a business take control of their online brand and position them as the leader in their local market."
In a recent one-to-one interview, Cook reminisced on other past achievements, which helped build momentum towards the present day. Notably, one of the proudest was helping a local jewelry store 3x their 5 star reviews and drive new customers into the store from that effort.
In the same interview, Cook stated his intentions for the future. The primary goal for the next 12 months, Cook states, will be implementing his company's unique reputation marketing strategy in as many U.S. businesses as they can. Looking farther ahead, the aim is make reputation marketing the first thought in owners' minds when establishing and online presence.
When asked more personally about how they want to be perceived and remembered, Cook said: "I want people to remember me for my integrity and passion for helping others achieve success.
Cook closed the interview by sharing his recommendation for anybody who wanted to follow in his footsteps in some fashion, perhaps taking the achievements even further. According to Cordel Cook, the key is being a forward thinker and make providing value to others the first priority,
Further information about Cook and the services of his markeitng company, ViSEO Marketing Solutions, can be found at http://viseomarketing.com