Sports Entertainment Specialists (SES), has gained exclusive rights to distribute SimWay Hunt, aka SimHunt in the USA. The collaboration rounds out the full scale simulator product offerings available from SES which include, golf simulators, multi-sport simulators, virtual racing, and shooting simulators. The Colorado based company is one of the nations leading providers of customized sports simulation packages.
We are extremely honored and excited about our partnership with SimWay. The advanced 3D engine in the SimHunt system brings a level of realism that makes this one of the best entertainment and training packages in the world, stated Todd Mallon, President of SES. SimWay, based in Stockholm, Sweden, has a customer base in 20 countries and is continually growing with international distributors. SES brings a high value audience and expanded reach to their efforts in the United States.
The SimHunt full scale hunting simulator is built on an advanced 3D engine which allows free flowing visual movement utilizing realistic video, animation, and sound. Users are able to use full size replica weapons which give the simulator a true to life experience. The system has a wide variety of sporting options including deer, boar, and bird hunting as well as dual competition skeet and clay shooting. Recent updates include bear hunting, night challenge sporting clays, and hunting trail scenarios.
The hunting and shooting simulator fills a void in the SES lineup which includes CCW training systems, and entertainment shooting games such as Gunfighters zombie hunting and wild west packages. The SimHunt system is so realistic that it makes a great training tool in addition to being an entertainment force. Shooting ranges have been searching for systems that can provide hunter education in a safe environment while giving their customers a reason to return for more. This is truly a game changer for the shooting simulator market, concluded Mallon. For more information visit [](
About Sport Entertainment Specialists
SES is an award winning sports simulation company providing high end custom sports entertainment packages for residential and commercial applications. Their mission is to continually offer the best simulation and entertainment solutions for their clients. SES offers the most easy to use, cutting edge, hunting and shooting simulators as well as an extensive collection of golf and multi-sport systems.