People dont hire lawyers to learn all the complexities of the law, says Dr. Irene Rodway, author of [Preparing, Planning and Paying for Long Term Care]( People need lawyers because they need to figure out the loopholes in the law that benefit them most.
Its the same with long term care. Most people in the middle class cant afford to pay for long term care unless they find the loopholes that make it possible to afford humane care for their loved ones.
Rodways book is available electronically and in print. The book addresses an issue facing a growing number of Americans: how to pay for the expensive care required for an elderly parent or partner. As the elderly percentage of the American population grows in proportion to the younger percentage, this issue increases in both significance and concern, Madden says. Insurance companies go to lengths to avoid paying for expensive care, and insurance policies become more important to secure in advance.
The book addresses issues such as how to determine if a person qualifies for benefits and how to find loopholes in the system. There are government programs for the very poor, of course, Madden says. And a small portion of the population is wealthy enough to afford long term care without assistance. However, the majority of Americans find themselves in the chasm that lies between the rich and the poor. Not wealthy enough to pay for long term care without going bankrupt and not poor enough to qualify for government benefits.
Maddens book explores the options that most middle class Americans qualify for but dont know about. When a person is in the position of needing to pay for long term care for a parent or partner, that person is already undergoing a great deal of stress. The last thing needed is the added pressure of finances, Madden says. This book cuts down on the research needed to find ways to find affordable options, making it far easier for the person dealing with already hefty responsibilities.
With Fathers Day approaching, many adult children find themselves caring for their elderly fathers. Being a caregiver for a father presents many challenges that are different for being a caregiver for a mother, Madden says. Many fathers are entitled to a wide variety of veterans benefits because many men of this generation were in the services. There are also emotional components to taking care of Dad that are not even a consideration when taking care of Mom.
Dr. Rodways book discusses veterans benefits and the unique challenges children face when caring for parents of each gender. The book is available through Train of Thought Press.